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Regaining Rage With The Moon

We have decided to House Rule it that the first time you see the moon at night, you only regain ONE (1) point of Rage unless the moon corresponds with your Auspice. In which case, you will regain full Rage. This is because it is extremely confusing to have to base it off of what phase the moon is and doesn't really fit with the setting of this game.

Pure Breed and You!

Pure bread is a mark of a hero, even if the Garou is a Black Spiral Dancer you will be hard pressed to resist them! Keep in mind the respect-demanding RP impact of Pure Breed (They smell like the garou heroes of old) as well as the mechanical impact.

Mechanically, Dots in Pure Breed add that many dice to your social rolls against another garou (Or another garou's social rolls against you).

Pure Breed does not have any impact on your training and physical ability, so pure breed never adds dice to physical rolls.

In White Wolf's Canon, a Silver Fang with 5 dots in pure breed actually betrayed the nation and his tribe had difficulty rising up to excise him because of his pure breeding. That's how powerful it is in an RP sense.

From W20:

  Garou take great stock in ancestry, and the werewolf
  who is descended from renowned forbears has a definite
  advantage in Garou society. This Background represents
  your lineage, markings, bearing and other features of birth.
  Other Garou revere werewolves with high ranks in Pure
  Breed as heroes of yore come to life — and such werewolves
  are expected to act the part. The higher your Pure Breed
  score is, the more likely you are to impress elder councils
  or receive hospitality from foreign tribes.
  Pure Breed is a nebulous combination of bloodline and
  spiritual inheritance. A character with high Pure Breed
  looks and carries himself like an archetypal member of
  his tribe — however, if he does not join that tribe, any
  benefits of Pure Breed are removed by the tribe’s totem.
  Many werewolves with Pure Breed can trace their ancestry
  directly, while others resemble distant ancestors who
  cannot be connected without a degree of genealogical
  exactitude that is lost to the Garou.
  Some tribes place more value on good breeding than
  others, but Pure Breed is almost universally respected.
  It’s a mystical trait, and werewolves can tell instinctively
  whose blood is particularly pure. Of course, Garou expect
  those of pure blood to live up to the standards set by their
  noble ancestors. They frown on those who can’t or won’t
  accept the challenge. 

Thrall of the Wyrm and Metis

Because the thrall invites the Defiler Wyrm into the heart of the Garou, it causes them to either rage as a homid or a lupus born garou. There is a 50% chance the Metis will fall to either the Homid or Lupus thrall instead. The Metis thrall is removed (And ffs White Wolf, should never have been a thing)

Also the sourcebook Rage Across the Heavens is banned.

Ancestors and You!

Based on a discussion with the STs, Ancestors now works for the entire scene due to the inherent difficulty of the roll (And not being overly likely to get a bunch of dots added)

[Werewolf House Rules Updated March 2nd, 2021.]

setting/werewolf_house_rules.1626385168.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Jul/15 21:39 by feathers