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Requesting Rites

To request a rite, open a ticket in Werewolf/Fera Support and post your Rite request using the template below:

> **Player Name: **
> **Character Name: **
> **Rank: **
> **Rite Name: **
> **Rite Level: **
> **Rite Description: **
> **Book & Page: **
> **Mentor: **
> **Rituals: **
> **Intelligence: **
> **Reason For Learning This Rite: **

Then just wait for the ST to reply back with a discussion on how you go about learning the rite. They will lead your scene when their schedule allows.

Learning the Rite

These need to be learned IC. You can learn from PCs or NPCs. Talk to your ST. Each rank of Rites takes a week per level to learn it properly and be able to perform it effectively.

Intelligence + Rituals (Difficulty 10 - Intelligence) (This CANNOT be lower than difficulty 5)), and Willpower may be spent on learning the rite.

Example: Susan has Intelligence 2. Her difficulty to learn Rites is now 10-2=8

Learning Time Reduction

We want to reward exceptional success. Sometimes you are just really damn good at learning a particular rite, other times you are shit at learning another. Different Garou learn at different paces.

Each success will reduce the cooldown required by (level of rite) days (To a minimum of (level of rite) days!)


Example 1: Floyd has Intelligence 5, Rituals 5 and scores 5 successes to learn the Rite of Talisman Dedication (A level one rite). He would reduce the time from 7 days (one week) to 2 days (5 days per level of the rite). He could not reduce this to 0 by scoring 7 successes

Example 2: Diana scores 5 successes to learn the Rite of Spirit Awakening (A level two rite). She would reduce the time from 14 days (two weeks) to 4 days (5 days per level of the rite). She could not reduce this to 1, since the level of the rite is the minimum.

setting/rites.txt · Last modified: 2022/Jul/31 20:10 by feathers