Shadows over the South

Full Version: Experience Rewards
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for the scene "a new reptile" the following gets 2 xp

dreams of Rathess

also gains 10 floor xp

st xp to Jp's sponge
For his intro scene everyone involved including Damien gets 2xp

Damien gets 12 xp. 2 base + 10 floor.

STXP to Glyff
For participating in the scene "The Manor in the Swamp" the following characters receive 3 XP:

Tracy Payne
Dmitry Ulyanov
Bas Vermeren

ST Experience goes to Zechstein.
For the Egypt Scene, all present PCs gain 3xp

STXP to Glyff
For the first trip into the Reaver Nefesh, all present PCs gain 3xp

STXP to Glyff
For the scene “The Florida man games” everyone involved gets 5xp

For those who won one of the games, you get 1 free minor favor from Florida Man.

For the intro scene the following PCs earn 2 XP + their floor XP

Aire the Sidhe
Dusty the Korred

Additionaly they obtain Crossroads and Starkenet access.

That is all
For participating in the scene "Amphibious Assault" the following characters receive 3 XP:

Cho Ji-Wun
Hezekiah Crane
Cerys Evans

Additionally, the characters get to keep the relics they found during the scene.

ST Experience goes to Zechstein.

For the Ager Manor's opening party, all changelings in attendance (Including Desphobos who was with Mildred Drop) receive 4 XP to start off a new reign of Hoots in the Changeling nest


Summer receives her floor XP and crossroads access.

That is all

For their intro scene the following PCs earn 2XP

Mora the Redcap

Additionally they obtain crossroads access, Starkenet access and their 10 Floor XP

That is all