For participating in the scene "Introducing Wally & the Boys" the following character receives 2 XP:
Hezekiah Crane
ST Experience goes to Zechstein.
For the scene A full moon isn't only for Werewolves the following PCs earn 2XP
Maggie the Progenitor
Simon the Syndicate
That is all
For the scene: Things have gotten a little out of hand
The following PCs earn 2XP and their floor XP
Vergil the Avenger.
Additionally they obtain access to Starkenet, gator-watch and crossroads prohabitionary access and all that entails.
That is all.
Everyone that went to Beltane gets 3 exp .
St exp goes to Jp’s sponge
For the scene “the old bird” the following gets 3 exp
The following gets st exp
For the scene “A roachy message” the following gets 2 exp
Jessica rose
St exp goes to Jp’s sponge
For the following scene “first dream” the following gets 2 exp
St exp to Jp’s sponge
For participating in the scene "Of Foxes and Strange Merchants" the following character receives 3 XP:
Cerys Evans
Additionally, Cerys gains a discount of 1 XP to the purchase of Lore of Flesh 5, to be applied retroactively.
ST Experience goes to Zechstein.
For the scene: 'They said see you later boy' the following PC earns 2XP
Max the Wraith
Additionally, they earn their Floor XP, crossroad prohibition and Starkenet access
That is all
For participating in the scene "An Interview" the following character receives 2 XP:
Hezekiah Crane
Additionally, Hezekiah gains justification to buy Contacts 1 (Wendell Parker), to be paid in full.
ST Experience goes to Zechstein.