The Following Denizens receive 3 XP for perserverance in the times of a Scene with the Ship ""nice time for a cruise""
ST XP goes to the Collector
For the scene "Step by step", the following character gets 2XP:
ST XP goes to Joy's sponge.
Yiyù gets justification to purchase the first dot of Conveyance, sorcery path (10 XP to be paid in full).
Yiyù gets justification to purchase a dot of Contact (Frederic Letherby) (50% XP discount rounded up, so 2 XP).
NPC XP goes to:
Frederic Letherby
Hear me, Hear me
For the Arrival of Mother Larissa scene all in attendance earn 1 XP
That is all
ST xp goes to GrandT0ast
For the scene “New Job!” 3 exp goes to
St exp to Jp’s sponge
For the scene “Job interview” following gets 2 exp
St exp to Joe sponge
Hear me, Hear me
For the ritual scene that knocked out Buck all Werewolf PCs earn 2 XP
That is all
ST xp goes to GrandT0ast
For the scene "You can take the Verbena out of the forest", the following character gets 2 XP:
Astra Luna
ST XP goes to Joy's sponge.
Astra Luna has access to starkenet and all communication channels.
Gregory can be used as reference to go to Crossroads.
Floor XP can also be spent.
NPC XP goes to:
Gregory Handel
Hear me, Hear me
For the "Investigation" scene where the Spiral Dancer met his end the following PCs earn 3XP
Diana the Garou
Faith the Garou
Ulv the Garou
Hateya the Garou
All PCs earn the Renown for slaying a spiral dancer (+0.7 Glory) for permanently destroying or killing the threat in question and without being hurt or damaged in the process except for Diana who was hurt by Mince-meat
Diana however has -0.5 wisdom for attacking an enemy who was willing to speak with Ulv and the rest of the Garou and causing more leads to be destroyed in the fire.
To be submitted on the Renown Forum
That is all
ST xp goes to GrandT0ast
For the scene "Thinking of Egosum", the following character gets 2 XP:
ST XP goes to Joy's sponge.
NPC XP goes to:
Ian Fleming
For the scene "Choose your own (Ad)Venture", the following character gets 5 XP (Seeking successfully competed: 1 XP for the pre-scene with Eddie Bells, 1 XP from the pre-scene with Alissa Lincoln, 3 XP for the Seeking itself):
ST XP goes to Joy's sponge.
Enlightenment Rating 3 is hereby granted (already paid in full).
Simon gets justification for Assessment Analysis 3 and for networking 3 (50% XP reduction).
He also gets justification for one dot of contact (Adeline Envers, Jacksonville Townhall vendor management) and a second dot of contact for Dr. Eddie Bells (50% XP reduction, rounded up).
Finally Simon gets justification for Finance 4 to be paid in full.
Addiitional XP and rewards might be given if the requested 'feedback report' is submitted this week.
NPC XP goes to:
Eddie Bells
Alissa Lincoln