For participating in the scene "An Unwelcome Phone Call" the following character receives 2 XP:
Jasper Lester
ST Experience goes to Zechstein.
For the Scene ' Old Men and Older powers' the following PCs earn 2XP
Chao the Imbuned
Vikki the Imbuned
Additionally they earn 1 dot of lore for the Amenti to be paid in full.
That is all.
For the Patrol of the Umbra the following PCs earn 2XP
Bites-the-bullet the Garou
Asks-for-scraps the Garou
Additionally they earn the following Renown:
Defeating a minor Wyrm threat +2 Glory
Without a single other Garou being hurt +1 Glory
Without being hurt or damaged in the process +1 Glory
Earning 4 Glory in total
For their Intro scene the following PCs earn their 10 Floor XP
Garret Thatcher the Imbuned
That is all
For participating in the scene "Unwelcome News" the following character receives 2 XP:
Emalia Serves
ST Experience goes to Zechstein.
For the scene Emergency First Contact the following PCs earn 2XP
Kristoff the Imbuned
That is all
For the scene "A new Bee for the Hive" the following earn 2XP
ST-XP goes to Lassa's sponge
Furthermore, Panal also earned her 10 floor XP and probationary access to the crossroads and full access to starkenet
For learning the Rite of Talisman Dedication the following PCs earn 1XP
Bites the Garou
Scraps the Garou
Bites earns 0.1 Wisdom renown for Learning a new rite.
Scraps earns 0.1 Honour and 0.3 Wisdom for Teaching other Garou
The Rite:
Intelligence 2
Ritual success: 2s
Rite level: 1 (7 Days)
Time to learn: 5 days
For the scene “A new alliance” following gets 3 exp
Cerys gets justification for
1 dot in contacts
1 dot in backup
1 dot in influence (Environmentlist)
leadership 3 and Char 3
St exp to Jp’s sponge
For participating in the scene "Theodora's Night at Club Ecdysis" the following character receives 2 XP:
Theodora Blake
ST Experience goes to Zechstein.