Shadows over the South

Full Version: Experience Rewards
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For the scene "Going to Luna's", the following characters get 2 XP:

Astara Luna
Father Donovan

ST XP goes to Joy's sponge.

Father Donovan gets justification for one dot of Larceny (lock-picking) (to be paid in full).
Johanna gets justification for one dot of Empathy (to be paid in full)
Luna gets the flaw Low Self-Esteem (3pt). Buying it off will require the accomplishment of actions in line with her nature and successful WP rolls as well as spending 6 XP.
For participating in the scene "The Super-Awesome Welcome Wagon" the following character receives 2 XP:

Katarina Rostova

Additionally, Katarina receives access to Starkenet and probationary access to the Crossroads Cafe, as well at 37 Floor XP (10 regular + 27 retirement XP for Korra).  

ST Experience goes to Zechstein.
For participating in the scene "Memories of Darkness" the following character receives 2 XP:

Cerys Evans

Additionally, Cerys receives a cost reduction of 3 XP to the purchase of Lore of the Beast 5.

ST Experience goes to Zechstein.
For the Haunt scene the following PCs gain 3 xp

Tyr's mage
Zech's mage
JP's changeling

STXP to Glyff.
For the evesdropping scene the following PCs earn 2XP

Beatrix the Garou
Mila the Corax
Betamax the Imbuned
Vikki the Imbuned
For their scenes yesterday Chemmu, Mei, and Ashlyn each gain 2xp.
For the scene "Definitely Not your Average subject", the following characters get 3 XP (for moving the plot forward):

Simon St Pierre
Maggie Peel

ST XP goes to JP's and Joy's sponges.

Simon gets justification for an extra dot of Media (50% XP discount rounded up, the rest is to be paid in full.).
Maggie gets justification for an extra dot of RD Data and Research (50% XP discount rounded up, the rest to be paid in full).

NPC XP goes to:
Dr. Eddie Bells
For the scene "The arrival of the new messenger", the following character gets 2XP:

Simon St Pierre

ST XP goes to Joy's sponge.

NPC XP goes to:
Gregory Handel

For the Scene: "Confessions of an ex gangster" the following PCs earn 1XP

Vikki the Imbuned

Additionally, they justify one dot in mentor (Father John Giovanni) (To be paid in full)

That is all
For participating in the scene "Consulting Dr. Reggie" the following character receives 1 XP:

Katarina Rostova

Additionally, Katarina gains justification to buy off the Repulsive Feature flaw, with a 50 % discount.

NPC Experience goes to Reggie Burns.

ST Experience goes to Zechstein.