For the introduction to the pack scene the following PCs earn 2XP
Viktor the Garou
Faith the Garou
Hateya the Garou
That is all
For participating in the scene "Thomas' Night at Club Ecdysis" the following character receives 2 XP:
Thomas Baker
ST Experience goes to Zechstein.
For the Tea house scene in the Papyrus Garden the following PCs earn 2XP
Sanura the Amenti
Alexander the Teomallki
That is all
For the battle at the Highway the following PCs earn 3XP
Viktor the Garou
Kayla the Garou
Faith the Garou
Hateya the Garou
Additionally they earn the following Renown:
Defeating an average Wyrm threat (Fomorian Pack) +5 Glory
Helping Guard a Cearn +1 Honour
Protecting the Veil (Cleaning the Bodies) +4 Honour
Revealing that the road and warriors were of the Wyrm +1 Wisdom
Attacking a minion of the Wyrm without regard to personal safety +3 Glory
Revealing that the road and warriors were of the Wyrm +1 Wisdom
Performing a rite of cleansing and burying the bodies: +2 Wisdom
Calling upon the the Spirit of Possum to heal your wounds: -1 Wisdom until Minor Chimiage is given
Performing a rite of cleansing and burying the bodies: +2 Wisdom
Shooting at the Big Fomorian even when he soaks the bullet wounds and not adapting tactics: -2 Wisdom
For participating in the scene "To Rescue A Demon Like Me (Part 2)" the following characters receive 3 XP:
Theodora Blake
Cerys Evans
Randall Hoskins
Chao Jensen
Astara Luna
Marian Moore
Alexander Young
ST Experience goes to Zechstein.
For participating in the scene "The Infernal Court Summer Party 2022" the following characters receive 1 XP:
Cerys Evans
Randall Hoskins
Jasper Lester
Marian Moore
Emalia Serves
Matthieu Theriault
ST Experience goes to Zechstein.
The following PCs earn 2XP and 10 Floor XP for their intro scene
Begs for scraps the Garou
Bites the bullet the Garou
That is all
The Following PC receives Yasamin
2xp for scene
10 Floor exp for their intro scene
For participating in the scene "Brains & Brawn" the following characters receive 2 XP:
Chao Jensen
Alexander Young
ST Experience goes to Zechstein.
For Completing part 1 of: "Ancestors and Ace" The following PCs earn 2XP:
Ace the Garou
Additionally he may justify the Language: Russian merit to be paid in full
That is all.