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Overlord - Overlord06, the highest position known to the hunters of Starke in the food chain.
Father - Father09, the most formally involved hunter upper leadership with the Stake hunters.
Old One eye - Crucifix21, Overseer for the Starke Hunters.
John Giovanni

Named NPC's

John Harper - Hunter indebted to Michael the Tyrant All favors called and currently being repaid. He has taken to gathering and working on those that were formaerly Hand of Dawn.

Division Imbued

BadMuthaFucka - BadMuthaFucka187, Hunternet Troll and used for hunted flaw.

Base Echo
Tanner - Arachnid221, Communications officer

The Unknown

setting/hunter_npcs.1640630792.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Dec/27 18:46 by grandt0ast33