John Harper - Hunter indebted to Michael the Tyrant All favors called and currently being repaid. He has taken to gathering and working on those that were formaerly Hand of Dawn.
Overlord - Overlord06, the highest position known to the hunters of Starke in the food chain.
Father - Father09, the most formally involved hunter upper leadership with the Stake hunters.
Base echo is long gone, now Overlord06 and the main Imbued Group in Starke have devloped “Gator Watch” a secret hunter-net chat room for those hunters in starke.
Philip, or FamilyGuy now hold the status of Imbuned throne and reports to Overlord himself. All the while keeping hunters hidden from the FBI agent Deblief.
Most known for | Name | Creed | Hunter-net ID |
Imbuned Throne | Philip | Defender | FamilyGuy118 |
Gator watch Admin | Tanner | Visionary | Arachnid221 |
Local mortician | Bugs | Judge | Results147 |
Local paranormal artefact researcher | Godfrey | Avenger | Wheels455 |
Local doctor and unlicensed therapist | Daniels | Redeemer | Fixup622 |
Local Arms dealer and con-man who owes Philip a LOT of favours. | Wilson | Innocent | Twenty288 |
The Bartender - Man of few words and with fewer titbits of information about him. Operates the Iron Maiden as its Bartender.
Old One eye - Crucifix21, Overseer for the Starke Hunters.
BadMuthaFucka - BadMuthaFucka187, Hunternet Troll and used for hunted flaw.