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Character Name: Aldis 'Techno' Gord
Concept: The Technophile
Heritage: Martian

Backstory: Aldis was a domechild on Mars, and joined the military when he was 18. He fought in the battle of Phobos and received an honorable discharge. He has since done what he can, where he can, using his skills to suit him.

Personality: Techno is a natural born Problem Solver. He always looks at things in terms of how they can be improved.

Description: Techno is graying in his mid thirties, but still every bit as nimble and skilled as he ever was in his youth. With a beard and pony tail and several scars from the battle of Phobos.

Grit: 3


Personality Type: Problem Solver

Physical Scars: He received a severe burn scar on his left arm from a reactor breach during the battle of Phobos. He wears a compression sleeve on both arms to hide the scar.

Martian Reds: He bears the telltale red sclara of a martian.

Red List: The Venusians don't like him… not one bit.

War Wound 3: The burns on his left arm leave it weaker than his right, so he favors his good side heavily.



Basic Technical/Social Academic
Alertness: 2(10) Keen Sight
Athletics: 1(5)
Computers: 2(10) Dataslate Use
Construction: 2(10) Fabricate
Firearms: 2(10) SMGs
Reaction: 1(5)
Repair: 1(5)
Tech: 3(20) Engineering(Computer Core Management), Machine Use




einsteinscage/slg_-_aldis_techno_gord.1656264113.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/Jun/26 17:21 by glyff