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Changeling House Rules

Glamour Regain and Dross Accrual:

Changelings have a variety of ways to gather Glamour, called the five paths to epiphany. Due to the online setting we have changed this down to a roll. The roll represents the changeling doing one of the following things to gather Glamour. The roll will be your Glamour rating + (Dots in Dreamers if you have any) Diff 7. No Willpower will be allowed on this roll. These can only be done once a week. If you want to roll more then once the diff will go up by 1 (up to two additional rolls) and needs to be done a different day. Glamour gain does not exceed total dots in Glamour. Week runs from Sunday to Saturday. When you make these rolls you need to ping both Changeling STs. These rolls must be approved by one or the other ST before you get the Glamour back and a small solo scene must be posted on chat reflecting which of the following 5 options you are choosing:

  • Revelry: A changeling may recharge her glamour by acting according to her fundamental nature. The method varies from kith to kith.
  • Reverie: Changelings can inspire mortals to staggering feats. The fruit of the dreamer’s labor provides the inspirational changeling with Glamour.
  • Rapture: Through introspection, imagination, and great difficulty, a changeling may unite his faerie and human halves in inspiration and refresh his Glamour reserves.
  • Ravaging: Using a brutal psychic assault, the changeling channels her Banality into a mortal to force all of the Glamour out, stealing it for herself.
  • Rhapsody: Forbidden by the Kithain, a changeling may imbue a mortal with so much raw Glamour he explodes in one final burst of creativity, never able to create again.


Willpower can be regained one of two ways.

  1. Your character must sleep for a minimum of 8 hours within a day.
  2. You are adhering to your legacies and you ask the ST if you earned the WP back.


Glamour’s counterweight, Banality is cold where Glamour is warm, hunger where Glamour is plenty, apathy where Glamour is hope. More than despair, it is an emptiness, a stasis, the lack of a drive to take life for anything more than a series of meaningless rote actions. Even sorrow and loss are emotions, charged with Glamour and inspiration — what Banality touches shivers and dies, though it puts up every appearance of living on. It is active apathy, a pervasive force of conformity that has infested the modern world.

Banality is a terrible enough foe for mortals, draining the joy from their lives, sometimes even turning them into walking beacons of the stuff that lashes out at the Dreaming wherever it may sniff it out. For changelings, Banality is 1,000 times worse, a creeping poison that slowly, over the course of a bright and brilliant life, steals that light away, locking it behind the Mists until, at last, the Kithain are left with no more than we remember of our own dreams when we rise each morning.

Others, unaware of the Dreaming, pity them, thinking them senile or mad, but even this pity is no salve for the true tragedy this poor soul has suffered.

By The Numbers
Banality touches virtually everything in the World of Darkness, and therefore everything has a Banality rating. This rating represents, on a scale of 1 to 10 dots, just how much Banality has been invested into the subject. The higher the number, the more apathetic and unimaginative the person or thing in question is, generally speaking. It also measures how dangerous those individuals or objects might be to changelings, and how destructive to their Glamour they will be. A high Banality rating means that a changeling’s Arts might slide right off that person, for example. Mechanically, this means a subject with high Banality (8–10) adds +1 difficulty to cantrip rolls targeting them.

The Storyteller should think about a character’s backstory when deciding on her Banality rating. Was her creativity encouraged when she was growing up? Does she work in a field where thinking outside of the box is rewarded? How many books does she read in a year? Try to get a sense of the character’s mindset, because ultimately that is the greatest determining factor in how high her Banality rating is.

setting/glamour_banality_wp.1641850843.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/Jan/10 21:40 by flowercrystals