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The Council Articles

Article 1 – Representation

* All Supernatural Factions pledged in defence of the idea of the Council will elect a representative of their choosing to sit the respective Throne of their faction, in order to represent them and serve them as their voice on the Council proper.

* Each Throne will have the power of a single vote on all matters before the Council: In regards to its defences, member’s actions, and judicial proceedings.

* Each Throne is responsible ultimately to their Faction and will represent their combined voice and interests. All issues, violations, and requests must be processed and presented by the Throne.

* All members will abide the laws and majority decisions of the Council in all pledged matters of communal defence, property and law.

* Factions must utilize and exhaust all options within the Council fort justice. Open aggression by a Faction against another Faction will forfeit the aggressor’s seat at the Council, all holdings and will be subject to retaliation by all other members of the Council.

* Further Factions will only be admitted or rejected from the Council by unanimous vote of the remaining members.

Article 2 – Seats

* There will be established the following seats for the explicit purposes stated. These seats will have authority in their respective domain, in lieu of and up to voted actions by the greater Council.

* Seat of the Sword: To guard and defend against threats to the Council.

* Seat of the Chalice: Charged to represent and broker on behalf of the Council.

* Seat of the Coffer: Charged to manage the holdings and finances of the Council.

* Seat of the Gavel: Charged with officiating and enforcing Council law.

* Seat holders shall be nominated to position by any Throne. They shall be appointed by majority Yea. No single Faction shall hold a majority of Seats.

* Once elected a 3/4 vote of no confidence or guilt of offense is required to remove a Seat.

Article 3 – Proceedings

* Matters of process and vote will be handled by the Gavel.

* All Thrones may put forth issues for single Up/Down votes.

* All Thrones have a single opportunity to express their favor per issue, and many call on Members to testify during their turn.

* A measure must receive a majority of Yea votes to pass.

* Any member who speaks on the floor is subject to censure for vulgarities, slander or slurs against another member or Faction. A member who faces censure by majority vote retains the right to vote, but is barred from the floor until they face adjudication by their peers, or until the next Council session.

* Council meetings will be called by the Gavel, or by majority count of Thrones only in times of duress. All reasonable effort must be made to convene the Council, and any rule passed during duress are only effective until a full Council is called.

* Each Throne may appoint a proxy(ies) to the position as deemed necessary by the Throne – the same is true for Seats. Notification is required in person or to the Gavel.

* Members that are under multiple Throne jurisdictions will require permission from each of those Thrones to maintain membership within the Council. Thrones are ultimately responsible to their supernatural Faction’s leadership in determining membership.

Article 4 – Law

* Council Law, defined within these Articles, is Supreme rule regarding violations between members of differing Factions.

* Any violation of law within a Faction, or between members of the same Faction, is the sole purview and authority of that Faction and/or Throne.

* All violations of law must be presented to the Seat of the Chalice, Seat of the Gavel, and all other affected Thrones as soon as a member is aware of the infraction.

* Guilt and innocence will be determined in open Council by a tribunal of three Thrones not directly involved in the incident. If there are fewer than three or more than half the Council is injured to these actions as a majority of all Thrones will be used.

* For capital offenses, a maximum sentence shall be excercised of banishment, to which the banished party will be stripped of all possessions, and/or ‘destroyed’, under the precepts of the offended Faction’s laws. The destruction in question, however, is only to be carried out after a unanimous decision of the Council is reached.

Article 5 – Tenets

* Right to Exist: All members of the Council have the right to exist free of harm, supernatural manipulation, or violation of property by another member.

* Mutual Defence: All members are pledged to the defence of their fellow members. Abandonment, destruction, or purposeful harm delivered via physical, supernatural or other means of offense against members of another Faction are violations of this tenet.

* Representation: Members of the Council will defer to their Throne for representation. Failing that, the appropriate Seat may be approached to air grievances.

* Sanctity of Office: Mental manipulation of any elected Throne or Seat without clear and immediate threat to life, limb or property is an actionable crime, to which the offending party will face measures taken under Article 4, up to and including measures listed in Article 4, Point 5.

* Communication: The Council exists to provide a means of communication to raise defences, serve its members communal interests, those of the encompassed domains of their respective Factions, and to resolve grievances. Actions that undermine this; such as withholding information, refusing member obligations or other malicious behavior will be adjudicated according to the measures listed in Article 4.

* Right to Knowledge: All Factions are entitled to guard and protect information they are not entitled to share with the greater Council. Mutual interests outweigh the needs of the few, but this right shall not be violated for simple expediency and will be respected at all times. The Throne is the final arbiter of each Faction’s interest, subject to their own laws.

* Right to Asylum: Any supernatural creature or member of a Faction may petition to abdicate their affiliation to said Faction, under due cause and/or threat therefrom. Such members are to be sworn in as ‘Hands of the Council’, and will, from that point on, be subject only to the Council’s laws themselves. These members will answer to the Council as a whole only. A member may only be sworn in as a ‘Hand’ if they are in good standing with the community and no less than 3/4 of the sitting Council. Hands are stripped of all holdings in their former Faction, and cannot hold a Seat or Throne.

setting/the_council_rules.1615585062.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Mar/12 21:37 by set