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The Council Members

The Game Area

Eight powers make up the Starke Council, each has their own page here on the wiki with information on their holdings and their major members.

The Court of Prince Antonin Demeskin - The Camarilla
The Sept of Strange Waters - The Garou Nation
The Sept of the Lone Oak - The Garou Nation
The Continuum Study Chantry - The Magi Traditions
The Court of Duke Tremore Halsey Of House Gwydion - The Fae
Crawford Street - The Reborn
The Court of Ada Hendricks - The Fallen
Hunter Base Echo - The Imbued
The Starke Underworld - The Wraith

setting/the_council_members.1603120326.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/Oct/19 15:12 by glyff