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Angelic Aura: 1 point
Function: -1 difficulty to any roll involving Charisma and/or Appearance.
Flavor: Character exudes power, authority, and grace even in their mortal form.
WARNING:: This merit marks your character as obviously infernal to anybody capable of detecting auras, such as vampires with the Auspex discipline. This aura appears as a coronal 'halo' around the character, similar to those with the True Faith merit, but with a slightly reddish tint, hinting at their infernal nature.

Angelic Gaze: 1 point
Function: -1 difficulty on all Leadership, Intimidation, and Empathy rolls.
Flavor: This character's infernal nature bleeds over into their mortal form, changing the character's eye color to an unnatural hue, such as a particularly bright blue or deep emerald green, even to an 'unnatural' color, such as red, gold, etc.
WARNING: This MAY mark your character as obviously supernatural. If it's not an eye color that occurs in nature such as red or gold, you will pose a Veil risk if you do not take measures to hide your appearance.

Atavistic Form: 2 points
Function: –1 difficulty to Social rolls in Apocalyptic Form; +1 difficulty for others to resist the effects of Revelation.
Flavor: Your Apocalyptic Form invokes something significant to the human mythos, such as an identifiable Biblical figure, or a recognizable mythological creature. While this merit isn't required if you take a custom Apocalyptic Form, it is highly encouraged in certain cases.

Dreams of the Past: 2 points
Function: -1 difficulty to all Legacy rolls.
Flavor: Your character has vivid dreams of their time during the Age of Wrath, and can easily recall their actions during the War.
WARNING: Botching a Legacy roll with this merit can trigger flashbacks similar to those caused by the PTSD flaw at ST discretion.

Penitent: 7 points
Function: All degeneration checks are at –2 difficulty (except for particularly heinous acts). This merit is required for your character to become a candidate for redemption. Characters must have a Permanent Torment rating of 2 or lower to take this merit, and they may not have any dots in the Thralls/Followers or Cult backgrounds.
Flavor: Your character is truly remorseful for their actions taken during and after the Fall, and seeks to rejoin the Heavenly Host. They are closer to an angel than a demon in the traditional sense. House Rules: You may not take this merit at character creation. Yes, I know what Devil's Due says. I don't care. This would open a whole can of worms I as an ST really don't want to deal with, and in my opinion, redemption is the Demon equivalent of Golconda, in the sense that most demons don't even believe that redemption in the true sense is even possible. Taking this merit requires strong justification from the ST, and it must be in-character for your character to have. For example, a die-hard believer in Lucifer's cause, regardless of Torment or that character's virtue, will have a hard time getting justification and will almost certainly be rejected.
WARNING: You will lose this merit if your Permanent Torment ever rises above 2 after purchase. This means you will have to purchase it all over again if your Permanent Torment drops below 3 again.

setting/demon_merits.1613238497.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Feb/13 17:48 by ha-mavet