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XP Log

Player: ha-mavet

Sig Sig_Apoc


Sig is not a small man (see huge merit below), he is a worn veteran with tattoos, a beard and a shaved head. He wears most often one of his many JekyllHYDE gym shirts with black tactical pants and a pair of black tactical boots. Lastly he is always with his large ALICE pack and a sunrise Monster energy drink.

  • Appearance: 2
  • Status: 3: Minister of Lions Sig is not entirely unknown to the Supernatural community of Starke or the enemies of the Court.
  • Eminence: 4: Officially appointed the Minister of Lions by Michael the Tyrant of the Infernal Court of Jacksonville. Sig had earned the title through loyalty and for his actions over the years. His unquestioning loyaty in willingness to sacrifice himself for Michael and Joy during the attack from the Null Robots. He was responsible in the killing of Judas's sheriff and various other acts of valor that show a direct dedication to the Tyrant as well as an aptitude for getting the Job done.

Veil Rating: 4: Has never broken the Veil once, and has personally patched it on numerous occasions. Often working behind the Veil he is less often in a position to break it.

Obvious Details

  • Huge:: Sig is not a small man standing at a height of 6'10“ (~2.08m) and with ripped 7% body fat build of 400 pounds (~181 kg).
  • Resources: 2: Sig learned well how to do without while he was in the military often on missions that had him living out of a pack for weeks on end. This has transitioned into his civilian life where he does not sped his income of much more than he needs to survive which seems to translate into Gym/Tactical clothing, Monster Sunrise energy drinks, and food. If he is not in his gym clothing he is in scrubs for work, one minute a bum the next a Surgeon. He is seldom seen without his genuine U.S. issue large ALICE pack.

Less Than Obvious Details

  • Certification: 2 : Being a decorated veteran has made it relatively easy for him to get his hands on a concealed carry permit. He also is a board certified cardiothoracic surgeon and has privilege's at the local hospital as well as at Walter Reed Military Medical Center.
  • Strong Host:: he soul of your host still struggles to regain control of her stolen body. Even you marvel at the strength of the spirit and wonder how you ever conquered such a stalwart being. When confronted by a situation where the host soul would feel strongly about a particular course of action, the Storyteller may require a roll of Willpower (difficulty 8). Reduce this difficulty by –2 if the demon wishes to beat the host soul into submission instead of stoically resisting. Failure means the demon must act according to the host soul’s urges, while success allows the character to act as desired for the rest of the scene. If a demon brutalizes the host soul and succeeds, his player must immediately make a check for degeneration. Failing this roll results in gaining Torment. Botching this roll results in two points of Torment.


  • Dreams of the Past: –1 to Legacy difficulties, plus ST caveat. Botched rolls trigger flashbacks similar to the PTSD flaw.
  • Atavistic Form: –1 to Social difficulties in apocalyptic form; +1 difficulty for others to resist the effects of Revelation. Apocalyptic Form invokes images of the Angel of Passover, or the Horseman of Death.
  • Code of Honor: +2 dice to all Willpower or Virtue rolls when acting in accordance with their code or when attempting to avoid situations that might force them to violate their code.(Code in that he still serves as all server the lord, and that Lucifer was given the mission to test humanity and angel alike to test all beings. In effect, he could not serve God WITHOUT betraying God.)
  • Crack Shot: No matter what you're pointing, gun, arrow, or dart, you hit your target with great accuracy. You receive no increased difficulty when targeting any specific location. You gain one extra dice on Firearms rolls that do not involve specific targeting. Note: This only applies to scoped weapons. It does not apply to pistols or fully-automatic weapons. This merit also applies to Energy Weapons rolls. - Hours upon hours of tactical live fire and sniper training while in 3rd Special Forces group as well as the time in action has given him an almost muscle memory reaction to shooting.
  • Huge: You are abnormally large in size, at least 6’10” and 300 pounds in weight (well over two meters tall and over 130 kgs). Aside from making you extremely noticeable in public, this extra mass bestows an additional Bruised health level. Characters with this Merit may also gain bonuses to push objects, open barred doors, avoid being knocked down, etc. - Because the Gym is life and his go to get away from it all place when he can't get to the Shadowlands.


  • Strong Host: : The soul of your host still struggles to regain control of her stolen body. Even you marvel at the strength of the spirit and wonder how you ever conquered such a stalwart being. When confronted by a situation where the host soul would feel strongly about a particular course of action, the Storyteller may require a roll of Willpower (difficulty 8). Reduce this difficulty by –2 if the demon wishes to beat the host soul into submission instead of stoically resisting. Failure means the demon must act according to the host soul’s urges, while success allows the character to act as desired for the rest of the scene. If a demon brutalizes the host soul and succeeds, his player must immediately make a check for degeneration. Failing this roll results in gaining Torment. Botching this roll results in two points of Torment.
  • Infamy: +1 difficulty to all Social rolls when interacting with the Fallen. (During the war he killed on both sides due to his beliefs. If the Infernal Court learns of this, he will be considered a pariah until he proves himself, resulting in requiring major justification for gaining any points of Eminence.)
  • Misinformed: +2 difficulty on any Knowledge roll related to the belief. (That his possession is the herald of the End Times, and that he is destined to be the hand of God's wrath in the form of the Horseman of Death. This belief being espoused may also result in ridicule at best, and perhaps unwanted attention from certain other Halaku at worst…)

Banality Score: 5

pc/sig_thorirsson.1608245810.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/Dec/17 22:56 by ha-mavet