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Name: Mikael Naberius Radcliffe-Livingstone - - Celestial Name: Naberius - - Player: J
Nature: Fanatic - - Demeanor: Autocrat - - Concept: Finished Business
House: Earthbound Devil (Namaru) - - Faction: Faustian - - Reliquary: Location (Horizon Realm)


This character has two sets of attributes: - One for his humanoid (homonculus form); - One for the Earthbound form.

Homonculus Michael's attributes:

Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 Charisma (Silver Tongue) 4 Perception 3
Dexterity 3 Manipulation (Persuasive) 4 Intelligence (Deduction) 4
Stamina 3 Appearance 3 Wits 3

Earthbound Mikael's attributes:

Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 (+2 huge size) Charisma (Silver Tongue) 4 Perception 3
Dexterity 3 Manipulation (Persuasive) 4 Intelligence (Deduction) 4
Stamina 3 (+1 huge size) Appearance 3 (+3 face of terror)Wits 3


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 3 Animal Ken 0 Academics (Sociology) 3
Art 0 Crafts 1 Computer 0
Athletics 3 Drive 0 Cosmology 0
Awareness 2 Etiquette 3 Enigmas 0
Brawl 0 Firearms 0 Esoterica (Forbidden Secrets) 1
Carousing 0 Larceny 0 Finance 3
Empathy 3 Martial Arts (HEMA) 4 Investigation 1
Expression 3 Meditation 0 Law (Courtroom Proceedings) 5
Intimidation 3 Melee 0 Medicine 1
Intuition 3 Performance 0 Occult (Infernalism) 4
Leadership (Commanding) 4 Stealth 0 Politics 3
Streetwise 0 Survival (Shelter) 4 Research 0
Subterfuge 1 Technology 1 Science 0
Other Talents Other Skills Other Knowledges
0 Indoctrination 2 Lore: Awakened (Technocratic Conventions) 3
0 Tactics 2 Lore: Undead 3
0 0 Lore: Shapechangers 1
0 0 Lore: Gallain 1
0 0 Lore: Reborn 2
0 0 Lore: The Hunt 2


Allies 3
Contacts 3
Eminence 5
Fame 2
Thralls 3
Hoard 5
Influence (Civics) 1
Influence (Financial) 3
Influence (Justice) 3
Influence (Politics) 1
Legacy 4
Library (Pooled with Ada Hendricks and Joy Livingstone) 4
Mastery 3
Primal Infusion 3
Resources (Pooled with Joy Livingstone) 0 (5)
Soul Mate (Joy Livingstone) 4
Status 5
Veil 4
Celestials 5
Chaos 3
Contamination 3
Flame 5
Flesh 3
Fundament 0
Radiance 5
Humanity 1
Paths 1
Violation 2
Flesh 1
Emotion 2
Thought 3
Faith (P/T) 5 35
Torment (P/T) Δ N/A
Willpower (P/T) 8 8
Angelic Aura 1
Natural Leader 1
Enchanting Voice 2
Torment Paradox 5
True Love 4
Disillusionment 5
Inverted Urges 3

Health Levels
Bruised -0
Hurt -1
Injured -1
Wounded -2
Mauled -2
Crippled -5
Incapacitated -

Humanoid Form/Travel form : the Homonculus

While in one of his custom made 'homonculus' bodies (created by Joy), Mikael is an exact copy of Michael as he was when he left Jacksonville after their wedding reception. Joy created the homonculus model (that can be reproduced an infinite number of times using the Horizon Realm Wonder 3D Printer) based on the most 'perfect' image she had of her husband and, by virtue of the True Love Merit, this perfect image is him on their wedding day.

Apocalyptic Form

Huge Size:
Automatic for all Earthbound with a Location Reliquary. +2 Strength, +1 Stamina, and one extra Bruised health level. Difficulties to strike the character in ranged or close combat drop by one, and the difficulty of the Earthbound’s Dodge rolls increases by one.

Face of Terror:
(brings appearance to 6) Automatic for all Earthbound. When manifesting an Apocalyptic Form, roll Appearance + Intimidation. Witnesses roll Willpower (standard for supernaturals, 8 for normal mortals). If the Earthbound wins, the witness curls up into a ball and spends the rest of the scene cowering in terror.

Dread Gaze: (4) Mortals who meet the Earthbound's gaze must roll Willpower, Difficulty 7. If they fail, they forfeit all actions for that turn.

Chimerical Attack: (3) Swirling illusions surround the Earthbound, and attack opponents engaged in close combat with it. These chimerical figures have the same initiative as the Earthbound, and they attack a single opponent in close-combat range. The chimera roll 10 dice as their attack pool, inflicting a base damage of four aggravated damage dice plus any extra successes.

Hypnotic Visions (3) Hypnotic Visions: An aura of disturbing lights and shadows surrounds the Earthbound, distracting and disquieting its foes. An attacker must make a Wits roll against a difficulty of the demon’s Faith. If the roll fails, the attacker may not act until the end of the turn. Demons (and thralls gifted with the power) are able to resist the effects of these illusions thanks to their inherent powers.

Extra Limbs: (2) Each set of extra limbs allow a character to parry or block one hand-to-hand or melee attack without sacrificing its own attack, or make up to two additional attacks of its own per turn using its full dice pool.

Distracting Aura: (1) The character’s body is shrouded by a confusing display of shifting lights,concealing mists or some other obscuring material. The difficulties of all ranged attacks directed at the Earthbound increase by one.

Casts No Reflection: (1) The Earthbound casts no reflection, and its image cannot be captured electronically via any mundane camera or electronic device. Even the memory of the Earthbound seems too complex for human memory to capture and similarly to Arcane 3, it's going to fade over time no matter what. People with Eidetic memory may roll wits + alertness diff 8 to slow down the process.

Lore Sense: (1) +1 Automatic success on any Awareness roll related to a sphere of influence touched by the Earthbound's known Lores.

Supernatural Vision: (1) The character can see five times as far as a normal human can, and it is not affected by darkness or poor light conditions. This effect also lowers the difficulty of all visual-based Perception rolls by one.


  1. Unspeakably Hideous (required for all Earthbound): The swirling illusions are profoundly disturbing to watch, in a way that isn't ugly so much as it is defying all logic and reason, to a maddening degree.
  2. Eyes: There is a massive eye at the core of Naberius' swirling mass of colors, illusions, and tendrils.
  3. Mouths: Tiny mouths seem to appear in the center of the Illusions. Or they could just be reality bending in a strange way.
  4. Abhorrent Sounds: The tiny mouths are constantly whispering things like: “Don't trust your lying eyes and ears.” “Everything is an illusion. You are an illusion.” “Everything you were told or taught is a lie.” “If everything is an illusion, nothing is real. Except the illusion itself.” “The truth lies within the illusion but your weak mind can't figure it out.” They're basically whispering Joy's paradigm taken to its logical conclusion.
  5. Vestigial Limbs: The swirling pillars of color and tentacles swirling around Naberius' core don't actually work, only flailing and writhing around with little control. Well, some work, but not all.
  6. No Legs: The visage seems to hover above the ground.
  7. No Arms: Unless those tendrils count as arms.
  8. Unstable: The swirling illusions and light around the visage cause reality itself to shudder at its very presence, making it impossible to look at him for long without causing a headache.
  9. Glow: The swirling illusions surrounding the visage vary from being so dark one has to squint to see them, to so bright that it's almost blinding, and so downright strange and profoundly disturbing that just trying to make sense of it can be disorienting if not traumatizing.


Naberius is of House Namaru, already the creme of the crop of the Sebettu. More than that, however, he served in the Crimson Legion, directly under Penemue, the most important of the Ten Watchers. The only thing holding Naberius back from true infernal glory was the fact that he didn't do much actual fighting in the war; he just happened to have served jointly with some other very powerful and very influential demons. After being unanimously appointed the Tyrant of Starke, Michael's Eminence rose to 4. Several months later, with his power and authority recognized by everyone from two different Camarilla Princes (three if you count Judas), to two Garou Sept Elders, to the Amenti leadership in Edfu, to two Earthbound (Arioch and Sadriel), to actual Deities like Thoth and Hades, to Lucifer himself, Michael attaining Eminence 5 was a foregone conclusion if not a mere formality.

THRALLS (3): * Naberius has a standing Pact with Detective Anna Parish, of the Starke Police Department's Metro Homicide Division. As per the terms of the pact, Naberius cured her son of leukemia, leaving the doctors stunned at what they perceive as a medical miracle. Parish now serves as a direct liaison between law enforcement and CEO Radcliffe. In public, they act as if they're friends, though in a strictly professional manner. Faith Potential: 2. Faith per day: 1. * Naberius has a second standing Pact with Computer Engineering student Hallie Bates. She is skilled in computers and hacking. Very few people know she is a skilled hacktivist. Naberius as part of the pact gave her the abilities to defender herself after being kidnapped by Sabbat vampires, specifically in the form of access to the Lore of Radiance. Faith Potential: 3. Faith per day: 2. * His third Pact was with Jennifer Vartan, a Progenitor of the Technocratic Union, following her defeat and the beginning of the end of the Infinity Project, an attempt to circumvent the process of reincarnation of Mages by directly transplanting Wraiths and Geniuses into mortal hosts. Jennifer fainted after having Penelope Adams' Wraith forcibly removed from her body, a process that left Jennifer with disassociative identity disorder (in the form of a derangement). Knowing that the Chantry wanted to execute her, and if they didn't, the Garou would, Michael made her an offer he knew she couldn't refuse in order to save her own life. Granting her Arcane as well as a considerable boost to her own power, Jennifer formed a Pact with Michael, knowing that she can never return to the Technocratic Union again. Faith Potential: 3. Faith per day: 1.

RESOURCES (5, Pooled with Joy):
As the former CEO and current chairman of L&R, Inc. and the co-owner of the luxury hotel Sapphire SPA resort (co-owned with Joy), Michael is a multimillionaire. As an Earthbound, unfortunately, he cannot access his own funds; luckily for him, he is legally married to Joy, who can.

Most of Naberius' memories of the war revolved around the Grand Experiment, and the way it ended in ruin before it could be truly realized. Beyond that, he cannot remember much of the war itself; only the names of his superior officers, especially Penemue.

CONTACTS (3): * Antonin Demeskin: Michael and Antonin go way back, and have considered each other friends for years. With Antonin having reclaimed his Praxis from Veronica, he replaces Veronica as his Contact in this slot. * Julia Cosgrove: The Regent of the local Tremere Chantry, and the Tremere Primogen within the Camarilla. Scene Reward for A Walk in the Park, out of gratitude for his and Joy's instrumental role in liberating the Tremere Chantry from the Assamite onslaught, Michael and Julia signed a (mutually beneficial) Blood Contract guaranteeing the continued cooperation (and mutual non-aggression) between the local Tremere Chantry and the Starke Infernal Court. The terms of the contract can be found here. * Walking Funny: Scene Reward from Thunderstruck. Michael has a long history of helping the Sept. Fighting the Eater of Souls to save the Croatan solidified their relationship once and for all.

With Joy's magick fueling his very existence, Naberius is able to spend extra Faith to enhance the power of one of his evocations to devastating effect.

Joy's magnum opus was the discovery of the connection between the various forms of taint that exist in the universe, and their connection to Paradox. In particular, she discovered the link between Torment and Paradox. By creating yet another paradox in which Naberius has fully embraced Torment, Joy has created a series of self-perpetuating constructs within her Horizon Realm that constantly reprocess his Torment into Paradox, and then into Quintessence, and then finally back into Faith. Mechanically, this works identically to the Worship background, without the need for a Cult. Should Naberius gain the Cult and the Worship backgrounds regardless, these backgrounds will stack. This background CANNOT be increased without Joy casting additional spells to create addition pylons Torment Converters.

HOARD (5):
Naberius' Reliquary, quite literally, is Joy's Horizon Realm. It is him, and he is it. As such, the sheer amount of magick that went into creating it, as well as its connection to the Umbra, has given Naberius a staggering pool of Faith to use as he sees fit.

* The adams sisters: Penelope and Lusciana Adams are two Wraiths, liberated during the Reunification plotline from the Progenitors and their experiments. Having been the one who separated Penelope and Jennifer Vartan, Penelope has come to trust Michael as having been instrumental to ending the Infinity Project, with Lusciana equally grateful to have her sister back. * Jeff Van Mers: Mage, virtual adept and owner of World of Illusion. He's also Michael's father in law and accepts Naberius for who he is. * Ada Hendricks: The new Tyrant of the Jacksonville Infernal Court and legally Michael and Joy's adoptive daughter.


Disillusionment (5):
The nature of Naberius' Reliquary has caused him to become a metaphysical manifestation of Joy's paradigm. In his mind, he has won; Joy is the perfect example of the vision of humanity Lucifer held, and in the Horizon Realm, he is as virtually omnipotent as Joy herself is. Why, then, should he care about a world that isn't his, and he has come to believe isn't even real? Whenever Naberius is being convinced to do anything to help the real world, make a resisted Willpower roll, difficulty 7, against a social roll of the ST or other player's choice (Charisma + Empathy, Manipulation + Subterfuge, etc.), on the part of the character trying to persuade him (difficulty to be decided by the ST based on what it is they want). If the other player wins, Naberius is convinced. If Naberius wins, he will demand something in exchange, and if it cannot be provided, he will refuse (unless Joy convinces him otherwise). If the other player botches, Naberius will flat out refuse to do it, period, and only Joy will be able to convince him otherwise. Only Ada Hendricks and Altair Ogram (and, obviously, Joy herself) are immune to these rolls.

Inverted Urges (4):
Normally, an Earthbound craves stimulation, which inanimate objects cannot provide. For Naberius, the opposite is true. The Horizon Realm provides Naberius with everything he could ever want, even beyond what the laws of reality should allow, up to and including all of the physical, intellectual, and emotional stimulation he could ever want, and it does so in such a sublime way that the Tellurian simply cannot compare. When manifesting in the Tellurian, Naberius is quickly reminded that not only is this world not his own, but an illusion; whenever Naberius manifests in the Tellurian, after applying Attribute bonuses for Urges, pick the Attribute category (Physical, Mental, or Social) that corresponds to the Urge that had the highest total of Urge dots applied. Whenever experiencing stimuli that corresponds with that Urge (for example, experiencing physical pleasure for Urge of Flesh, reading a good story for Urge of Thought, or having a particularly stimulating conversation for Urge of Emotion), roll Willpower, difficulty 8. If this roll fails, Naberius gains a point of effective Permenant Torment, decreasing the timer before he is overcome with desire to return to Joy's Horizon Realm. If this roll botches, the timer immediately reaches zero. True Love does NOT apply to this roll, unless Joy is physically present with him.


Natural Leader (1):
+2 dice to any Leadership roles.

Enchanting Voice (2):
-2 difficulties to all social rolls using voice.

Angelic Aura (1):
-1 difficulty to all rolls involving Charisma and Appearance. Demon exudes confidence, wisdom, and authority even in Mortal form.

True Love (4):
With Joy Livingstone. Grants one automatic success on all Willpower rolls. The success can only be negated by a botch die.

Torment Paradox (4):
The laws of our universe do not apply to the Horizon Realm. Due to Joy's machinations, Naberius' Torment is in a constant state of flux as its endlessly reprocessed into Paradox and then into Quintessence. Mechanically, his Permanent Torment rating is still treated as 10 for the sake of any rolls in which Permanent Torment is used. In the Horizon Realm, however, his Permanent Torment is always treated as 3, the level of Permanent Torment that Michael Radcliffe had before Naberius' host body was abandoned in favor of the Horizon Reliquary, for the sake of his personality. However, when possessing a Mikael Homunculus while in the Tellurian, his effective Torment will constantly raise by one point per hour, and he is once again subject to gaining Temporary Torment as usual. This Torment manifests itself as an increasingly overwhelming desire to return to his Reliquary. Should Naberius' effective Permenant Torment rating ever reach 9, a Time 4 triggered effect will immediately vaporize the homunculus and return Naberius to his Reliquary. To those capable of sensing it, Naberius will be positively dripping with Torment, but it will appear heavily warped, shifting as it's reprocessed into Paradox, and then into Quintessence, and finally into Faith. Ironically, this makes Naberius more easily confused for a Paradox Spirit or a Wyld Spirit, rather than something associated with the Wyrm.

NOTE FOR THE ABOVE: Joy can reset the timer using a Prime 5 spell, at one point for every 3 successes. The catch is she must be in physical contact with the homunculus, or at least in the Tellurian herself. Joy cannot do this from across the Gauntlet.

pc/naberius_sheet.1622322102.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/May/29 21:01 by j