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The Mantle of Ur

Player: Glyff

Altair, the Thrice Reborn


Scarred from head to toe, Altair is a man of extremes. His demeanor and general aloofness contradict the pain and anguish he's clearly been through. Almost as if he is a snarky, generally happy guy as a defense against the past that left him so battered and broken.

At Six foot Two inches he's imposing, with a well built but lean body that hints at brutal strength, but quickness and toughness to go with it. Unlike most of the Unbandaged he grows his hair out, hiding the scars on his head and face. But that makes him no less intimidating than his brothers.

A palpable aura follows him around. Everyone around him instinctually knows that he is dangerous, violent, and predatory. He can hide the beast for a time, but when he draws it close to the surface even the brave take pause at the darkness within him.

Altair generally wears loose fitting clothing and keeps his forearms covered with either bandages or long sleeves to hide the scarring.

He has long hair that he keeps tied back, and a trimmed and neat beard that he often braids or puts celtic clips in.

Those that see him without his shirt note that he has a huge jagged scar from his left shoulder to his right hip that looks to most observers that it should have been fatal given the size and severity of the scarring.


Altair is unlike most of his Sefekhi kin. Where your average Sefekhi is a brooding loner, Altair channels the anger of his Khaibit into more constructive outlets. His Khaibit is still palpable and turns more than a few off to him, but those that know him beyond the sense of dread and violence, know that he is a deeply caring person.

He tries his best to remain aloof, even with the shadow of his tem'ahk crawling around the room. He is quick to make jokes and snarky to a fault, but he is fiercely protective of those he deems worthy of friendship. He is the first into battle and the last out, knowing his extraordinary durability will allow him to take on injury meant for others.

But like all Sefekhi he can be quick to anger. And the power of his Khaibit boils to the surface with such speed and ferocity that it has left more than one slackjawed. If you harm the innocent in his presence, expect an immediate, if not overwhelmingly violent response.

What the Mortal World Knows

To the human world, Altair died saving people from a burning building. He died a hero, trying to rescue one more person, before the building collapsed.

Before that he was a strange case. Twice he was accused of being a terrorist, and twice it was found that the accusations were political in nature, though no one could put a finger on who wanted him out of the way, for what, or why.

He once owned an army surplus shop in Starke Florida. Which is now owned by another strange and secretive individual.

What the Supernatural Community Knows

Altair is a powerhouse and rising star in the supernatural community. Every major faction knows of 'The Lion of the Sands' as a powerful member of the enigmatic and secretive 'Amenti'. He is credited with the deaths of elder Vampires, Bane Mummies, and a half dozen other things that most supernaturals would hesitate to even consider combat with. Most Notably the Sabbat Infiltrator and Tzimisce Elder, Octavian Diaconu, in his guise as Judas Illyrium, and Gabriel Martinez, the Ravnos Elder. He is known to have done battle with two figures known as Bane Mummies, the secretive and powerful figures the Amenti have an ancient war with. And is known to have taken down Qetu and Hemhemti.

Altair is just and fair, as is demanded of him by the Balance, and more than willing to talk, but if he comes to violence, your best bet is to run like your life depends on it, because it does. If he becomes violent, it is because he sees that you cannot be turned from your path, and must be destroyed for the sake of the balance and the mortal world.

Altair wields a very wide variety of magical powers, strange mystical abilities, and potent and powerful martial arts that make him a nightmare to deal with. From his mastery of Silat, to the world changing power of the Hekau art of Nomenclature that can quite literally cause things and enemies to cease to exist.

He is a master of the Hekau art of Necromancy, and is able to wield life and death as weapons against his foes.

He is known to hold the Favor of his Pagan Gods, specifically Horus the Avenger, and Anubis. He is in good standing with the Werewolf tribe of Uktena, and strangely enough the Camarilla, who see him as something that is better parlayed with, over opposed.

Widely considered to be the founder of the Starke Council itself, as the idea started in his head. Even though he shares founder status with Abdul Mohammad and Michael Radcliffe.

Backgrounds and Abilities

Background/Ability Value Notes
Lore roll for info 2 Lore(Reborn), Minimum 2 dots needed to roll, difficulty 7
Standing(Starke Council): 6 Legend of the Council, Founding Member
Banality Score: 5 Altair is artistic, creative, and erratic due to his Khaibit and Yang spirits
Crossroads Membership: Veteran

Signature Aspects


“It's not about me” - His response to more or less every inquiry on why he isn't out for himself.

“ONSTAR! IT APPEARS YOU'VE BEEN IN AN ACCIDENT… ASSHOLE!” Yelled at a technocrat SUV shortly after he fell several hundred feet out of the sky onto it's hood, causing it to crash.

“If you have coin, Khaibit has wares” - When asked if he had anything special for sale.

Signature Techniques

Altair is known for his hit or miss use of the Thunder Kick. The most notable instance of which was during his battle with Qetu shortly after she kidnapped Vivian's children. At the height of his rage, and in one of the few situations where he had every reason not to hold back, the kick was a staggering 36 damage dice, which was considered to be sufficient force to blow the roof off the building they were in, and damage its structure to the point where it had to be demolished.

Altair is a master of the hekau of necromancy, and as such has been granted access to one of it's most powerful rituals. The Panoply of Shadow. Upon using it his eyes take on the traditional look of a Pharaoh, and his arms and legs are adorned with hieroglyphs. The magic makes him nearly impossible to harm in any meaningful way, as when combined with his weapon techniques and Feng Tan, it can take upwards of 10-15 successes just to HIT him. Much less be able to push damage through his soak pools which generally sit in the low to mid teens for every damage type.


King of Ur, The Lion of the Sands, The Butcher of Babylon, The Phoenix Shadow, The Son of Sobek, Son of Shai Shen Ju, Altair the Thrice Reborn.

pc/altair.1624734897.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Jun/26 19:14 by feathers