XP Log

Player: LordAmaranth


Appearance:: 2

Obvious Details:
(list here)

Less Than Obvious Details:

  • Optimistic: Or is it extreme over-confidence? It depends upon whom you ask.
  • Acute Senses: He could tell you what you had for breakfast just by smelling your breath and seeing the crumbs on the collar of your shirt.
  • Computer Aptitude: He was an expert hacker even before his possession.


  • Curiosity: Don't let him go near any big red buttons with "DO NOT PUSH" written above them.
  • Obsession/Driving Goal: He is obsessed with the idea of creating and perfecting his magnum opus. If given the chance, he will pursue this goal at any given opportunity, to the detriment of everything else.

Banality Score: 6