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Non-Standard Firearm Ammunition

Sometimes, you need silver bullets, or cold iron ones, or something more rare. The following forms of ammo are rounds and shells that are unique to the supernatural community.

Some bullets are mass produced. All standard ammo is common and relatively easy to come by, to the point where we don't require you to track it. Anything special however, is more expensive. Ammunition comes in 4 rarities.

Rarity Cost notes
Common None You are considered to have ammo for the weapons you're using in most cases
Uncommon 1 resource per 10 rounds These mundane rounds are special, but less common
Rare 1 resource per round These rounds are unique to the supernatural community but are produced in small numbers
Crafted Cannot be purchased These rounds must be crafted by hand, and cannot be sold or bought

Uncommon Ammunition

Tracer Rounds
These rounds are tipped with White Phosphorous, and are illegal for civilians to own or use. They are, however purchasable with the black market ties merit. Tracer Rounds reduce the amount of damage that they deal based on the firearm by 2 dice, but deal aggravated damage to most things. Don't get caught with them, or you WILL get arrested. The small amount of burning phosphorous isn't enough to set most things on fire. And they burn out so quickly that most vampires won't need to check against Rotshrek unless they're struck directly.

Skeleton Key Shells
These specially made 12 gauge shotgun shells have two buckshot balls connected by a length of braided steel cable. These shells deal normal damage to doors that are made of wood or plastic, and are used to destroy locks and breach buildings quickly. Against 'soft' targets, they are difficult to use, and increase the difficulty to hit a target by 2, and deal half the normal damage.

Rare Ammunition

Dragons Breath Shells
These shells were originally made for the forestry service to start backfires during wildfires. They deal aggravated fire based damage to anything they hit, and set readily flammable objects (And entities) on fire. They require licenses to own, and if caught with them you WILL be arrested. Highly effective against vampires, but have the bad habit of setting everything around the vampire on fire too.

Flare Shells
These 12 gauge and 410 gauge shotgun shells fire a flare instead of slugs or pellets. They do not deal damage if fired at an enemy further than 5 feet away. They do however, trigger Rotshrek checks in vampires… so they might have use… maybe… if you're dumb enough to actually trigger the rotshrek…

Brimstone Rounds/Shells
These specially treated rounds are somewhat like tracer rounds, save the rounds glow red hot when as they travel to the target, quickly cooling once inside the body. Against most targets they deal lethal damage and create wounds that don't bleed as they cauterize entry and exit wounds. Against any creature that normally halves and converts firearm damage to bashing are unable to convert wounds from these rounds. They deal normal lethal damage to Vampires, reapers, and zombies. The Imbued make these rounds in very small quantities and they are quite expensive.

Taser shells
These rare and expensive shotgun shells fire a set of four darts that are connected by copper wire. On a successful attack they deal 1 bashing damage, and electrocute the target once, causing them to fall over. Unlike normal tasers they only have one charge, and cannot be used to subdue a target over time. The victim falls prone once, and then is unaffected.

Pacifier Shells
These special shotgun shells, made by the imbued, are for hunting and subduing shapeshifters. They are filled with horse tranquilizers, but can be fired from any 12 gauge shotgun. If they strike a shapeshifter in frenzy they force a new check against frenzy with a +2 difficulty bonus. This is useful to subdue wounded shapeshifters and blunt the frenzied final moments where they are at their most dangerous.

setting/non-standard_ammunition.1604341569.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/Nov/02 18:26 by glyff