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Adventurous, Curious and Sea-loving, Duke Tremore is always looking for the next thing to do. Unearthly and Inhumanly beautiful, even in Sidhe standards, Tremore Halsey has always drawn all sort of attention, both awe and jealousy, and has learned the art and craft of Courtly dealings. Charming and silver-tounged, The Duke has risen to his rank mostly by his social merits, leaving a line of charmed, and sometimes enraged, usurped betters. But the true love of Tremore Halsey is the Sea. When not in court, in his shore-side Freehold Of Seven Bridges, he is at sea atop his marvelous Frigate, the Chalchiuhtlicue Lover, navigating the shore waters of his duchy.

'Important Traits:'
Appearance: 5 (7) (Unearthly)
Merit: Surreal Beauty
Flaw: Changeling's Eyes [Purple]
Flaw: Bizarre Quality

setting/tremore_halsey_of_house_gwydion.1602955586.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/Oct/17 17:26 by