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Hermit Hacks

Recently, a new subforum has gained prominence on Hunternet. Technically it's name is simply 'use these'. It is known that the hermits, reclusive hunters that hide from society and are generally known for being crazy, made these strange contraptions. Ranging from custom ammo to stimulant autoinjectors to electronic devices, these 'hermit hacks' help the hunters in their battle against the creatures of the night.

Custom Ammo

Muzzle Rounds
These special shotgun shells and 7.62 rifle rounds contain a sabot syringe loaded with a large dose of lactic acid. These rounds must be used with the aim command to be effective. Lactic acid is not corrosive enough to cause damage itself but if the attack succeeds the dose of lactic acid causes muscle cramps in most living creatures. As such they can be used to inhibit the use of a monster's more… dangerous bits. Such as shooting a werewolf in the neck to cause a cramp that prevents the use of a bite attack. On a successful hit the target makes a stamina check difficulty 8. Failure causes the specific attack to be disabled for 3 rounds. Shapeshifters can spend a health level restored during a regeneration roll to remove this effect.

Lights Out Shells
These specially made shotgun shells do not shoot pellets, but instead small chlorophyll balls filled with a rapid set epoxy that hardens instantly when exposed to oxygen. The result is that any target struck by the resulting spray of chlorophyll balls is covered in an instantly hardened black layer of epoxy. This epoxy is not particularly strong, and causes no damage when removed, but is difficult to remove entirely. If this blast catches a target in the face, it will blind them for three rounds or until they spend an action to remove it enough to regain their vision. Like other similar ammo types these shells must be used with the aim command.


The Hunters, though channels none of them want to admit, but it is hinted that it is via Langley, have created one click injection packs that can serve a variety of purposes.

Patchup Injector
These injectors are filled with a concoction of hormones, painkillers, and stimulants that cause rapid clotting. One patch up injector is enough to stop all but the most serious bleeding. Mechanically it allows the recipient to ignore wounds up to -2 in severity, while stopping any bleeding effect, such as a vampire bite.

NOTFD Injector
The “Nutrophyll Oxidant Transdermal Flensing Device” Or, as the hunters call it, the “Not on the First date” injector, is a custom concoction of chemicals, hormones, and plasma that, when injected, causes the recipient's blood to become incredibly fowl tasting to vampires. Any vampire that bites a subject under the effect of the NOTFD Injector must make a reflexive self control test, diff 7, or recoil from the horrible taste of the victim's blood, vomiting profusely for the loss of one blood point and their remaining actions for the round.

Electronic Gadgets

The Hunter's 'Key'
This RFID chip can be clipped to a belt or glove, and contains a rapidly cycling series of RFID datasets that cycle through common door control systems. If a hunter needs to get into a low security door, the Hunter's Key can get you through it. The question is how long will it take, how many RFID sets will it have to cycle through before the door takes one. When held to a card reader, the hunter rolls 1d10. It takes that many turns for the key to cycle through common and uncommon datasets before the door opens. Note that it is TURNS, not ROUNDS. Each NPC and PC's turn counts as 1 for how long it takes. The key must be held against the reader for the full duration of the roll for it to function.

Janitor's keyset
Using various channels, the hunters have gotten key bit codes for various standardized keys, and turned these bit codes into an ingenious device. The Janitor's Keyset is much like a swiss army knife. But it has a small LCD display on it and a pair of buttons to navigate a menu of key types and bit codes. When a code is selected the extending key, though a mundane but high tech servo device, replicates that bit code. The device has a total of six keyway templates and can recreate any bit code on any of these keyways. This allows the one device to replicate almost a hundred different standardized keys used in human public works. Mechanically the Janitor's Keyset allows the hunter to always have the right key for a human lock, so long as they have at least 3 rounds worth of time to find the appropriate entry in the device and flip out the key.

setting/hermit_hacks.1614692299.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Mar/02 13:38 by glyff