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Hermit Hacks

Recently, a new subforum has gained prominence on Hunternet. Technically it's name is simply 'use these'. It is known that the hermits, reclusive hunters that hide from society and are generally known for being crazy, made these strange contraptions. Ranging from custom ammo to stimulant autoinjectors to electronic devices, these 'hermit hacks' help the hunters in their battle against the creatures of the night.

Custom Ammo

Muzzle Rounds
These special shotgun shells and 7.62 rifle rounds contain a sabot syringe loaded with a large dose of lactic acid. These rounds must be used with the aim command to be effective. Lactic acid is not corrosive enough to cause damage itself but if the attack succeeds the dose of lactic acid causes muscle cramps in most living creatures. As such they can be used to inhibit the use of a monster's more… dangerous bits. Such as shooting a werewolf in the neck to cause a cramp that prevents the use of a bite attack. On a successful hit the target makes a stamina check difficulty 8. Failure causes the specific attack to be disabled for 3 rounds. Shapeshifters can spend a health level restored during a regeneration roll to remove this effect.

Lights Out Shells
These specially made shotgun shells do not shoot pellets, but instead small chlorophyll balls filled with a rapid set epoxy that hardens instantly when exposed to oxygen. The result is that any target struck by the resulting spray of chlorophyll balls is covered in an instantly hardened black layer of epoxy. This epoxy is not particularly strong, and causes no damage when removed, but is difficult to remove entirely. If this blast catches a target in the face, it will blind them for three rounds or until they spend an action to remove it enough to regain their vision. Like other similar ammo types these shells must be used with the aim command.

setting/hermit_hacks.1614691188.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Mar/02 13:19 by glyff