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Vivian Garcia / Lady Hervör


Seeming: Wilder - - Legacies: Orchid (Seelie) Pandora (Unseelie)
Character Type: Changeling - - Kith: Swan Maiden
Court: Seelie - - House: Fiona
Player Name: FlowerCrystals - - Concept: Fallen Angel of Old Times


Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 Charisma (Sweet) 4 Perception 2
Dexterity (Precise) 5 Manipulation 1 Intelligence 3
Stamina 3 Appearance (Enchanting) 6 Wits 2


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 1 Animal Ken 0 Academics 1
Athletics 3 Crafts 0 Computers 0
Kenning 3 Drive 0 Enigmas 1
Brawl 0 Etiquette 2 Gremayre 3
Empathy 3 Firearms 0 Investigation 0
Expression 3 Melee 1 Law 0
Intimidation 0 Performance (Dancing) 4 Medicine 3
Leadership 1 Stealth 0 Occult 0
Streetwise 0 Survival 0 Politics 0
Subterfuge 0 Technology 0 Science 1
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Carousing 0 Larceny 0 Poison 0
Seduction 0 Thanatology 0
Lores Ratings
Changeling Lore 1


Title 4 (Countess)
Treasure 3 - Ring (Pyretics 3)
Resources 4
Dreamers 1
Remembrance 1
Spidersteel Corset - 3
Freehold 2

Merits & Flaws

Winged 2
Voice of a Songbird 2
Soul of a Muse 3
Surreal Beauty 2

Nightmares 1
Phobia 2 (Rats)
Allergic 2 (Peanuts)
Intolerance - Child Abusers 2


Willpower: 6
Glamour: 5
Dross: 2
Banality: 3


Sky 2
Soothsay 1
Spring 5
Summer 5


Fae 5
Prop 2
Nature 3
Actor 3


Swan’s Blessing, Love Conquers All, Profound Loss, Mantle of the Maiden, True Love’s Curse


Antithesis: Harming Children
Ravaging/Musing Threshold: Inspire Love & Destroy Hope


Physical Description:
She stood at what some would call above average height for a woman. Her eyes were the color of a violet-sky. Concealed and deep as the night in the darkness yet before the shimmering of day the hues of purples/blues took hold. Hidden within their depths, when you look closely, there lays the hint of distance in them. Her hair was long to the point it covered her back in the lavender waves with white streaks. Normally clipped back at the base of her neck, two short pieces framing the soft features of her face. Her skin looked to be the color of soft cream, body lean and agile though probably not the strongest. Her smile is slow to come but once there full of gentleness and compassion with the other attributes of her face. Her wings were the color of snow from a mountain top and they went from top to bottom. Long. Elegant… Those that could see the Tell could make out the wings with ease and the feathers that sometimes were caught in the flowing locks…

Long ago in a poem somewhere… According to the eddic poem Völundarkviða, the daughter of king Hlödvér, and the sister of Hlaðguðr svanhvít. She is the wife of the legendary smith Völundr. The prose header tells how Völundr and his two brothers, Slagfiðr and Egil, came across three valkyries, who had removed their swan-cloaks to spin flax on the shore of a lake. They brought the maidens with them to their dwelling and each brother took one of them to wife. They dwelt with their husbands for eight winters, but then flew away in the ninth to find battles, and came back no more. Slagfiðr and Egil set out to search for them while Völundr remained waiting behind.

What happened to her? Where did she go? Wasn’t that the obvious that she had no choice. Her love had grown true. She cut off the ties to her dearest love so he would not suffer the fate she knew he would take from the Dreaming. Eventually though her sorrow grew after one month and she turned around to return. She didn’t care. She would take the Fate on herself but on her return there was a trap that had not been activated during the battle. The arrows flew through the air and her, unsuspecting… Tragically was hit in her wings and chest before she fell towards the sea. Her eyes, tears spilled down, before the darkness took her. “I’m coming my love… I’ll come back…” and so she never returned. Not in that life…

The lives came and went. Eventually she remembered him and in every life she would look for him, but she couldn’t find him. She wanted to say she was sorry. That she wouldn’t do that to him again but… He just wasn’t there. Which brings us to the current. In the mortal world they knew her as Vivian Garcia. One of Florida’s finest competitive dancers. She even had her own studio run by her Dreamer. She was an inspiration to young girls everywhere. Beautiful, graceful, and sweet. She has been in this area of Florida for a month and is now making her way to the local freehold. During her time in dance there was a terrible accident with one of her partners. He was made at her for rejecting him and went to destroy her career. On the opening night of one of her performances a bag came down from top of the theatre and almost crushed her. But the swan in her heart was not going to have any of that. Within warning her dress ripped. Her wings grew and she leapt away with unnatural grace before she rolled on the ground and stood up. Her brilliant wings glowing for the Fae to see as her life changed…

2pts - WP, 2pts Merits, Abilities 4pts, BGs - 7pts

pc/vivian_garcia_sheet.1693522619.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/Aug/31 22:56 by