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XP Log

Player: Getofreinaas


Tall slight man with ruddy blonde hair. Not bad looking but pale to the point that its clear his work keeps him away from the light of day. Eyes are almost always a bit dilated with dark circles under them. He's pleasant but seemingly always distracted. Tends to be dressed in a light blue button up shirt, sometimes with a tie, khakis and nice wingtip shoes that look like they've seen over a decade's worth of use.

'Obvious Details': Appearance 3: He's good looking but has some traits that can be endearing or… not, depending on the beholder's eyes: He always smells like coffee, looks like he hasn’t slept in days and his eyes tend to be slightly to VERY dilated. Always friendly but is oft to get lost in thought. He has a tendency to start doing math equations in the air in front of him seemingly oblivious to the rest of the world around him as he rambles off what others would perceive as strings of random numbers. Curiosity: He loves learning new things.

'Less Than Obvious Details': Pupils are ever so slightly dilated.

Avatar: Fortran.


Work in progress


Work in progress

Banality Score: 5

Veil: +1
Status : 0

pc/quincy_vanpandt.1602955585.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/Oct/17 17:26 by