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Yuri's Ghouls

Yuri's Contacts

Yuri's Allies

Yuri's Retainer

Yuri's Criminal Associates

Family Hit Price and Agreement



'Name:' Yuri Dragasoni 'Player': Ha-Mavet
'Nature:' Bravo - - 'Demeanor:' Bravo
'Generation:' 8th - - 'Sect:' Camarilla
'Sire:'Quintus Crixus Flamma - - 'Clan:' Brujah 'Predator Type:' Alleycat
'Concept:' Criminal (enforcer)


! Physical ! Social ! Mental
Strength 5 Charisma 3 Perception 3
Dexterity 5 Manipulation 1 Intelligence 2
Stamina 5 Appearance 3 Wits 3

'Strength:' Vicious, Mighty
'Dexterity:' Lightning Reflexes, Hand-eye coordination
'Stamina:' Tough As Nails, Unbreakable


! Talents ! Skills ! Knowledges
Alertness 3 Animal Ken 0 Academics 0
Art 0 Crafts 0 Computer 0
Athletics 5 Drive 1 Cosmology 0
Awareness 0 Etiquette 1 Enigmas 0
Brawl 0 Firearms 2 Esoterica 0
Carousing 0 Larceny 3 Investigation 2
Empathy 0 Martial Arts 5 Law 2
Expression 0 Meditation 0 Medicine 0
Intimidation 2 Melee 0 Occult 1
Intuition 1 Performance 1 Research 0
Leadership 1 Stealth 2 Science 0
Streetwise 2 Survival 1 Finance 1
Subterfuge 1 Technology 0 Politics 1
Other Talents Other Skills Other Knowledges
0 0 0

'Martial Arts:' Iaijutsu, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Wing Chun, Shaolin Kungfu
'Performance:' Life (passing as living)
'Athletics:' Muscular fitness, Martial Footwork


! Virtues
Conscience/Conviction 3
Self-Control/Instincts 4
Courage 4
! Trait
Humanity 6
Willpower (P/T) 6 6
Blood Pool (P/T) 15 15


Fame 2
Generation 4
Resources 4
Allies (Criminal) 4
Mentor 1
Contacts 3
Influence (Criminal) 4
Spies (Criminal) 2
Ghoul 2
Retainer 1


Celerity 5
Fortitude 5
Potence 5
Presence 1
Quietus 3

Combination Disciplines

Burning Wrath Celerity 3, Potence 3


Additional Discipline (Fortitude) '5'
Blush of Health '2'
Language (Russian) '1'
Bruiser '1'
Eat Food '1'
Efficient Digestion '3'


Enemy-Rival Gang '2'
Prey Exclusion (Bratva-good standing) '1'
Territorial '2'
Vengeful-Snitch '2'
Dark Secret
addicted to Kindred vitae (when presented with the opportunity to feed off a Vamp, it's SC vs 6)


! 'Health Levels'
Bruised -0
Hurt -1
Injured -1
Wounded -2
Mauled -2
Crippled -5
Incapacitated -


Covered in tattoos but the most notable are the words Famine, War, and Death he wears as rings on both hands. The corresponding horseman and skulls provide significant themes to his tattoos. He has countless other thieves-in-law related tattoos over the entirety of his body. The only non- thieves-in-law tattoos he has is a single Yakuza style tattoo on his left arm consisting of an hourglass a swirling void and cherry blossom petals that seem to be falling and pooling into blood within the glass, and the wounds of the stigmata represented via tattoo minus the crown.

Character Bio: New to the area and it seemed like a nice place to escape the bulk of politics and subterfuge. The place seemed almost like a freestate and with all the commotion a friend referred me to the area. A drifter by nature as of late I had expressed an interest in a place one could simply relax and pursue studies outside the normal dealings that come along with my condition.

Martial Skills

Elbow / Knee Strike
Hard / Soft Strike
Death Strike
Nerve / Pressure point Strike
Spinning Kick
Snake Step
Deflecting Block
Thunder Kick
Vital Strike
Meele Weapon (Swords)


Wooden Bokken (long sword) (Musashi)
Wooden Bokken (short sword) (Terao Magonojo)
Cherry wood Bokken (Heavy Long sword)
Set of longswords (Katana) (Black and Silver)
Set of short swords (wakasashi) (Black and Silver)
3 Tass
1 agg damage Katana
UAZ Hunter


{+Allies:+} (Thieves in Law: Bratva plus the Brother's Circle.)
1) Mikhail Odenussa (Atlanta Georgia)
2) Merab Bakhia “Bakha-Bakha” (Georgia\Abkhazia).
3) Semion Yudkovich Mogilevich nickname Brainy Don (Russia) (Keeps Contact with Current Ukrainian Pakhan)
4) Usually known ( Pakhan Malina) currently Leonid Makarov holds this position – Brighton beach Brooklyn, NY (as this position changes the current rep is known through Aleksandr Torshin (Russia)

1) Ukrainian arms dealer
2)The Zerilli Crime Family)
3)ShotCaller Florida State Prison (Nikolai Valuev)

(Assimite Warrior)

(Boogieman enforcer of the Bratva.)

(Thieves in Law: Bratva plus the Brother's Circle.)

Resources:(Home with dojo/gym “slush fund from Bratva”

Diana - Reward for a hit from Bratva
Amber - Ghouled in interrogation from hunter attack


Yuri Dragason Mirzoyev

I was born in 1927 Lenin had died, the struggle between Stalin and Trotsky had concluded with the exile of Trotsky solidifying Stalin’s reign. The price of grain had been reduced yet there was uncertainty among my people and rumors that there could be war with Germany were causing an already starved and weakened country in turmoil. Crime was high in the area I was from and lack of food and protection from the weather wore upon even the best of people. My father was a harsh man and member of the vorami v zakone (“thieves-in-law”) my mother humble, dutiful, and kind they had after all survived the Povolzhye famine and the Holodomor my infant brother the only of us to fall to starvation my sister placed on a train a dying infant sent out with prayers to the mercy of the world that knew none. In 1941 at the age of 14 years We lived outside of Belgorod but had went to fight in my mother's home area of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. I was taken as a POW when the Germans launched Operation BarbarossaI. My father killed in defense of my family fought with a savage ruthlessness that surprised and scared me, my mother disgraced and savaged until she was broken then either out of fear of reprisal or that she might bare child they gave her to the dogs to be ripped apart then the parts burned. I was marched a loathing hatred for myself and my weakness for not dyeing in battle with my father in defense of my family to Stalag VI-C (Number tattoo upper left breast ). I felt every cruelty was deserved a fitting punishment for my worthlessness and weakness when after a time I could not tell as each day was an eternity in hell I was sent to Dachau I stayed in this hell for at least a year before being sent to Mauthausen I fully believe they to see me break under the stairs of death but I did not at least initially. In this camp the starvation was so bad and most of the prisoners had been shipped from various other camps so there was no bond among them. Cannibalism had broken out in the camp fist they would eat the prisoners who dies in the night, then it was the week that were all but dead, there was not honor no friendship in this camp it was survival of the fittest among the lowest. I was selected by the SS for what became known as a “parachute jump” which in all honesty was not the worst way to die. As I jumped from the ledge instead of letting them push me as that was the last act of defiance I could muster. I did not make it out far enough and hit an outcropping on the way down. As I lie there bones shattered waiting for death. My body continued to hold on to life a death grip and in agony I lay in the cold broken state. As darkness began to fall the guards began to shoot down at me a common practice when the shadows themselves wrapped around me. The shadows took away the pain and my consciousness. I awoke to my wounds mending themselves the dripping of water in the back ground as my eyes adjusted to the setting. We were in a cave a great warrior sitting near whose presence weighed upon me like a pile of stone. His name was Crixus I was in awe and confused. Over the next few week he explained to me the necessary things of my new life and survival. He showed me how to deal with the changes that happened as if I hit puberty all over again and was racing through it at accelerated speed. My feelings my rage often bubbled to the surface and it was so very hard to control. I sought out and killed many of those whom once hurt me and committed such atrocities upon me. My new liege was kind and understanding but always taught peace and repentance. With him we returned to mother Russia the war having ended. He introduced me to others of my kind it was a free state mostly and after introductions we went on our way. One day when I was returning to him for guidance and conversation I saw he was gone, a struggle had taken place. Without him I was lost in and out of prison they were dark places and many a vampire lived within the walls. I became as my father by vorami v zakone “thieves-in-law” and I did him honor bearing each successive trial upon the ink that colored my skin. Connections were made and I was Bratva, it was trough these connections that I was placed in the KGB somewhere around the 70s. I worked with my family the Bratva and my family the KGB and excelled among them both the story upon my skin growing. Serving in both Russia and in Afghanistan my disposition very far from my sires teachings the beast awake in me and my belief that both might makes right, and only the strong deserve to survive made me a machines in the cause. I took whatever I wished how I wished and indulged in all manner of atrocities and heinous acts. I was no better than the Nazi that had taken me and I did not care. I could say this was best years of my life until Baba Yaga came. It was only for my skills and my brothers that I was able to avoid the hunt. Finally I was sent to the America’s me and Vyacheslav “Yaponchik” Ivankov to Brighton Beach 1992 both because out killing was out of control and because the Americas needed strong leaders to make things right. I have since stepped out of the light of the brotherhoods more predominant members a legend and boogie man to come out of hiding occasionally when things get out of control now I am Brothers' Circle though seen only as an Avtoritet (Pakhan) for Georgian mafia. I keeping peace between Solntsevskaya Bratva, Malina, Grekov Gang, and Mkhedrioni I no longer work the politics of the brotherhood just an occasional job when the darkness need be called. My pay and position secured for life though my name forgotten to all but the top of each of those organizations I am responsible for keeping in check and by the members of the Brothers Circle. I will always at heart be thieves-in-law first as my father though my ways are not the ways needed these days. I try now to again follow the teachings my Sire set out for me I owe him much and ever in his debt.

pc/yuri_dragasoni_sheet.1606236094.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/Nov/24 16:41 by ha-mavet