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Xander Douglass

Player: Silvered


6'0“ with short dark brown hair (military cut) and a day's worth of stubble. 200 pounds with a strong, but athletic build. He walks with a self assured swagger.


Xander is a dedicated Law Enforcement Officer. His military service, along with the trauma he's witnessed have scarred his soul. After being possessed by a demon, Xander has felt very driven. His feelings of depression, and self loathing have dissipated, like a Flordia rain shower. He spends his days upholding the law, and helping these poor humans muddle through life. He spends his nights searching for God and the meaning for so much death. HR218

Obvious Details:

One of his hands normally holds coffee or a cigar.

Xander's gaze is unusually intense.

Less Than Obvious Details:


NATURAL LEADER (1-PT. MERIT) Your character has been gifted with a certain bearing and personality that naturally makes people defer to his opinion or orders. You receive two extra dice on Leadership rolls. Your character must have a Charisma of 3 or greater to purchase this Merit.

ANGELIC GAZE (1-PT. MERIT) The eyes are the windows to the soul, and the act of possession has altered the eyes of your character’s mortal host to reflect his celestial na- ture. A Devil’s eyes might be the color of the golden sun or the sullen red of banked embers; a Devourer’s eyes might be the lantern yellow of a wolf or lion. The difficulty of all Leadership, Intimidation or Empathy rolls decreases by one.

ACUTE SENSE: Sight (1-PT. MERIT) One of your character’s senses, be it sight, smell, taste, touch or hearing is exceptionally keen. The difficulty of any roll involving this sense decreases by two.


NIGHTMARES (1-PT. FLAW) Your character’s sleep is plagued by visions of the horrors she saw during the war. You must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) in order for the charac- ter to sleep through the night without being tormented. The day after, add two to the difficulty of the first Ability or Attribute roll you make to deal with other demons.

2 VICES: Cigars and Coffee 1-PT PER (1- TO 3-PT. FLAW) Your character is addicted to some sort of sub- stance. The one-point version of this Flaw represents an addiction to a substance that is legal and easy to satisfy, such as cigarettes. The two-point version rep- resents a legal or mildly illegal substance that inhibits her abilities to a serious degree, such as alcohol or marijuana. The three-point version represents an ad- diction to a highly illegal or highly dangerous “hard” drug such as heroin. Your character is always under the effects of your chosen vice unless she assumes her apocalyptic form. Banality Score:

pc/xander_douglass.1615157054.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Mar/07 22:44 by silvered