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Xander Douglass

Player: Silvered


6'0“ with short dark brown hair (military cut) and a day's worth 9f stubble. 200 pounds with a strong, but athletic build. He walks with a self assured swagger. One of his hands normally holds coffee or a beer.


Xander is a dedicated Law Enforcement Officer. His military service, along with the trauma he's witnessed have scarred his soul. After being possessed by a demon, Xander has felt very driven. His feelings of depression, and self loathing have dissipated, like a Flordia rain shower. He spends his days upholding the law, and helping these poor humans muddle through life. He spends his nights searching for God and the meaning for so much death. HR218

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

pc/xander_douglass.1615147035.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Mar/07 19:57 by silvered