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Player: thecrankywizard


Thea is most at home in Homid form, but actually spends just as much time in Lupus and Glabro form, particularly when she thinks she might need to transform. She only takes Crinos form when she needs to fight at full strength, and almost never takes Hispo form intentionally, as she is very uncomfortable with the intensity of her Rage in these forms.

Homid: A young woman with pale skin, long black hair in a braid, sad pale green eyes, and a band of freckles across her nose. She usually wears a simple dress made from natural materials, along with a leather satchel, sandals, and a bronze torc. She also wears a large leather holster on her back that carries a large walking stick, painted dark green with Celtic knotwork engravings inlaid with gold accents. The walking stick is abnormally large, sized for someone about 7 ½ feet tall, so she often holds it like it’s a staff. She stands at 5’11” tall, and she carries herself with confidence.

Glabro: At a glance, identical to her Homid form. When examined in detail, there are many small differences hinting at her Garou nature. Her ears are pointed, teeth are sharper, nails thicker and more pointed, voice deeper, body hair thicker and more visible, muscles more defined, feet wider with the heel rarely touching the ground. She stands 6’5” tall, and carries herself gracefully, but with a slower, longer gait.

Crinos: Sleek, but still powerful. Her fur matches that of her Lupus form, being almost entirely glossy black, save for her underbelly, hands, and feet, which are all dark gray. She retains the long hair of her Homid and Glabro forms, including the braid. When she transforms, her clothes meld into her body, save for the torc and holster, which resize to fit this form. She keeps the strap of her satchel just long enough to fit under her arm after shifting. She stands 8’10” tall, and walks with heavy, but still graceful steps.

Hispo: As her Lupus form, but larger and more powerful. Her fur matches that of her Crinos and Lupus forms, except dull and ragged, and her eyes look wild and hungry; this is the only form in which her eyes do not look sad. The only item of clothing that is visible in this form is her torc. She stands 4’8” at the shoulder and moves with the agility and confidence of an apex predator.

Lupus: A normal, if well-groomed, wolf with glossy black fur, except for her underbelly and paws, which are dark gray. She has large, expressive ears and thick, soft fur. She stands 2’11” at the shoulders and carries herself with confidence.


She is usually friendly and upbeat, but gets depressed easily when things don’t go well. Her will is strong, however, and she almost always recovers quickly if she has friends and comrades around to encourage her. Her conviction is equally strong, and her faith in her cause and in humanity’s potential is nearly unshakable. While she is courteous and gentle, she is also often very direct and blunt; she’s autistic and doesn’t like to mince words or dance around important subjects. Most importantly, she is a pacifist: she refuses to kill any living thing if it is avoidable, with the limited exception of killing prey for food (she is careful to only take what she needs; she finds killing distasteful at best), and believes that there is almost always a better alternative to killing.

Obvious Details: Her clothes, the walking stick, and her hair are all very obvious, particularly around humans.

Less Than Obvious Details: Her pale green eyes are distinct, but not obvious unless you're really close. She has two tattoos: a crescent moon on her left shoulder, and the Children of Gaia sigil on her right shoulder, but both of these are only visible when her arms are uncovered. Characters who are involved in online activism may recognize her as the author of an anti-capitalist environmentalism blog called “People & Planet vs. Profit”.

Banality Score:

pc/thea.1654047461.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/Jun/01 01:37 by thecrankywizard