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“So for some things, you want to fake a smile even if you hate the person's guts. You don't want to make it obvious after all. Now… let me see your polite smile.”

XP Log

"Because I asked real nicely? And I might be a kid, but I am not a little kid. To set the facts straight."

Name: Alastor Elias Singh
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Age: 15
Kith: Autumn_Sidhe.png
Existing Affiliations: N/A
House: House Liam
Public Effects:

Bizarre Quality
Changeling Eyes
Heir to the Throne

Played By: Coyote's-Trap


Six has brown hair that reaches around the middle of her back in length, but she wears it in a pony-tail so it looks a bit more messy in public. She tries not to wear too fanciful clothes in public unless it is in court or she is expecting an official visit. Trouble seems to find her when she dresses her best in public. So her clothes in public are of lesser quality to limit in vain, her looks.

Friender App

  • So, I do love the beaches in the area. It was something I was not used to at home since it isn't always as hot as is here.
  • I've certainly gotten used finally to driving here since where I come from, we drive on the opposite side of the road to the citizens here.
  • I would prefer it if you didn't try to casually suggest sex to me. I know others are fine with it. However, I am not.

Six's Theme:
"Final Duet"
"When the nights get too lonely, When the skies become gray Its okay, its okay, Just take everything day by day and you will see, It’s not as bad as it seems. "


Photo Name Song Nickname
Woahdin1.png Alkaline Meadows Reborn Through Failure Sir Alkaline, Mr. Alkaline, Sir Dragon Troll
Placeholder Name Song Nickname


  • "Six has pretty good looks at Appearance: 4, however as with stated with her flaw, Bizarre Quality, humans will come to talk to her at inopportune times or she is more likely to be targeted by unsavory types for their crimes over others."
  • "She is heir to a throne from the Land of Mists so she maybe recognized by those from those who know their stuff and from around that area."
  • "Six has what is known as Changeling Eyes colored emerald green so she maybe recognized through that."
Banality Score: 4

pc/six_hughes.1624125410.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Jun/19 17:56 by set