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Six Hughes

Player: Coyote's-Trap


Six has brown hair that reaches around the middle of her back in length, but she wears it in a pony-tail so it looks a bit more messy in public. She tries not to wear too fanciful clothes in public unless it is in court or she is expecting an official visit. Trouble seems to find her when she dresses her best in public. So her clothes in public are of lesser quality to limit in vain, her looks.


She is polite and rather well-mannered. She has curiosity, but it has been tempered by her common sense that she has accumulated from her experience in prior courts. She is one of those few people that is near impossible to anger or give her cause to insult. But she is a dedicated and hard worker for her goals.

Obvious Details:

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Banality Score:

pc/six_hughes.1616456004.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Mar/22 23:33 by set