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Sam Brockson

Player: MQuinny1234


6' 5“ and built like a packed together angry house of violent bricks. Nordic heritage gives some dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes. Has signs of a repeated broken noise and tired-looking and heavy bags under his eyes. Rarely smiles but apparently has managed to value the importance of good dentistry regardless. Mildly tanned skin, and well defined features. Prefers dark t-shirts and shirts and tan-trousers of jeans. Has a set of flickering eye twitches if reaching deep irritation. Cleans up well in suit and tie and pitch black clothing, prefers to be dressed cleanly rather than wild.

Fae form: 8' 2” tall, marble grey skin and pure sapphire eyes, horns that curve over the top and side of his head, close to the skull. Wears a set of oaken armour that seems to bloom and wrap around his form, breathing with him almost and the creaks in the bark forming the shapes of many runes and stories amidst the knots and creaks carved into it.


Grim and quiet, having learnt from a young age to watch his tongue unless he had something of value to say. Tries to keep up an unaffected facade about things, a level, gravelly tone even as the mask breaks of any emotions or rage within.

Relaxes a lot more in more deliberately casual situations or physical activity, be it sports or bars, seeming to be a lot more willing to let himself loose in such atmospheres. A sign of deep bloodlust and pent up aggression can show in more violent situations, signs of it also showing during even more relaxed situations like competitions sometimes. At least he's aware of it though, he's working on that.

Seems fond of fostering an older machismo appearance and style, even if he's at odds with how that fits himself and modern opinions too.

Obvious Details: Very tired looking eyes.

Less Than Obvious Details: Very clear skin, no facial hair

Banality Score: 3 permanent

Antithesis Harming a child.

Musing Threshold Help those in need.

Ravaging Threshold Destroy Hope

pc/samual_brockson.1617672280.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Apr/06 01:24 by flowercrystals