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Ryder Amell

Player: Coyote's-Trap


He has a rather skater build, with dark brown hair in a sort of bed hair fashion. He is rather clean shaven as he doesn't have any facial hair to speak of. He has light brown in the color of his eyes. He is typically wearing glasses with a sleek, broad black frame. He usually wears clothing that is comfortable and easy to move in, usually jeans being the most common pair of clothing he wears.


He is an optimistic person who is tempered by a imaginative caution. He seeks the best in people while making sure that it is the best he seeks and not being duped into being a pawn or bait. He constantly reevaluates his decisions as he moves forward as one who remains stagnant cannot change with the times. He always seeks to be the best person he can be, providing help to those who ask and even those who don't ask.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

pc/ryder_amell.1635793059.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Nov/01 18:57 by set