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Roy Brown

Player: Adrian


Roy is a muscular tall individual standing at 6“6' feet tall he he has long black hair he weights in about 260 pounds. His eyes are Hazel and the colors rotate different shades. He has a light tan.

Rage 5

Gnosis 4

Willpower 5


Obvious Details:

Roy has hazel eyes that change color at various times not based off his mood. He has long black hair. He is olive skinned and muscular.

Less Than Obvious Details:

Immunity to Wyrm Emissions

You have a special boon from Gaia: You are immune to the toxins of the Wyrm. You receive no penalty from supernatural radiation, balefire, Wyrm elementals and the like (although you still suffer damage from such attacks). Likewise, you are immune to Bane possession. Your sept recognizes this invulnerability and thrusts you into many dangerous perils with the expectation that you will use your immunity for the good of others

Filth inoculation

Slipping Sidewards You can't always control your passage to the Umbra. If, during a stressful situation, you should confront a highly reflective surface, roll Wits + Occult, difficulty 7, to avoid making the shift. You must still make a Gnosis roll to pass the Gauntlet in this instance, though your difficulty is 1 less — but only when you accidentally step sideways. If you want to go through, you're at normal difficulty. .

Banality Score: 6

pc/roy_brown.1619554834.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Apr/27 20:20 by zhimar