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Unexpectedly subtle for a basic Outrage art, Taptap was once a Spooks’ Guild trade secret. Centuries of leaks have spread it beyond the organization’s control, but it’s still uncommon, as the Arcanos’ students tend to seek out flashier manifestations. Wiggling a finger, the Spook audibly taps on an object or silently presses someone else’s skin within line of sight. This can be a distraction, but it’s more useful as a signal — particularly if the wraith and his audience know a tap code (of which the guild has several). More recently, younger Spooks have discovered that this art is an excellent way to affect touchscreen computer interfaces. System: The player spends 1 Pathos and rolls Stamina + Outrage. For three turns per success, the Spoke can tap or knock lightly on a surface, or can silently tap or poke a single other being. In either case, this art works within line of sight. It isn’t strong enough to move anything with more substance than a dust mote. Communicating via Taptap is slow, as the wraith must spell out individual symbols: one word per turn in most cases. The Storyteller is the final authority on the complexity of messages that Taptap can convey. If the player also spends 1 Corpus when activating Taptap, the Spook can manipulate touchscreens and other technologies that respond to physical input through similar principles.

Stonehand Parry

Spooks get in a lot of fights. After a few Harrowings, smart Spooks look for ways to avoid being hit. This age-old Outrage art is the brawler’s best friend, allowing a bare-handed Spook to block clubs, swords, or Moliated tentacles. System: As the wraith is about to be hit by a close-combat attack, the player spends 1 Pathos and rolls Strength + Outrage. Successes on this roll cancel successes on the attack on a one-for-one basis. Extra successes become levels of bashing damage on the attacker or weapon that struck the Spook. Using Stonehand Parry is reflexive and doesn’t cost an action. The wraith may block thrown or archaic ranged weapon attacks at +1 difficulty. Firearm attacks and similar faster-than-sight projectiles are impossible to stop with Stonehand Parry.
pc/outrage_guild.1615386103.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Mar/10 14:21 by set