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Nate Mastafa (Flys like Death)

Player: bwhite753


Nate has dark tan skin with black shaggy hair and green eyes pointing to his Middle Eastern heritage. He stands at about 6'2 with a long and lanky body type suited to cross country or other running sports. To other garou they see even more than that. They would see a garou who represents the ancestors of his tribe. With the form of a sleek egyptian jackal and the crinos form resembling anubis with amber eyes. And more than that somehow he carries an air about him that reminds them of spirits of death.


Nate to those who don't know him well will often see him as distant and pondering. Like a stoic hero of old who takes the world on with a brave face. However, he is more of a scared nervous kid than anything else. The constant pressure and criticism he takes to be the best version of his tribe results in him being nervous and unsure. Not to mention the ghosts that often find his way to him at some of the most inopportune times.

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pc/nate_mastafa.1676996761.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/Feb/21 16:26 by jpizzo22