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Mia Milliners

Player: Per


A large Italian 5ft 10in tall woman with a scarred face and red hair. She always have her hair hanging down on top off her left eye. Otherwise so is she a more thin but fit woman who seems to move with quite a odd amount off grace. She always wears heavier forms off suits and gloves.


A straight forward woman who prefer to not do the flowery talk so to speak but will do if better for. She is loyal to a fault though to her family. And will be quite violent to those who threaten her family or their goal in some way. But to those who earn her respect so will she be a good friend if a bit scary at times with her ghoulish sense of humor and love for hedonistic parties.

Obvious Details:

She has several scars on her face that is visible

Less Than Obvious Details:

(Due to her hiding it under all her hair) She lacks her left eye and does not have a replacement for it put in

Banality Score:

pc/mia_milliners.1616032459.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Mar/18 01:54 by the_one_doc