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Maxwell 'Betamax' Samwise Edges
Maxwell 'Betamax' Samwise Gear

Maxwell 'Betamax' Samwise

Player: glyff


Max is rather nondescript really. A bit nerdish, but of solid stock. He's lean and a bit thin, but more than able to hold his own or run if needed. The most important aspect about his appearance is that he's unimportant. Easy to miss, easy to forget.


Beneath the calm, bland demeanor, is a man driven to change the world. Max is an defender, and he's going to make sure the monsters don't get to do to others, what they did to his family. Max is a anti-corporate hegemony warrior. He spends his days looking for ways to harm the globalists corporations, expose their crimes, and out their leadership. Shine enough light on the maggots, and they'll burn. That's his motto.

BetaMax works as a corporate pen tester. Using his squeaky clean birth identity to get hired by the very corrupt corporations he fights against, he then penetrates their security, and then informs them on how to 'better defend' themselves. Against everyone but him…

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:
Arcane 1

Banality Score:

pc/maxwell_betamax_samwise.1657385779.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/Jul/09 16:56 by glyff