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Lyman Knight em Aperal


Description: Lyman is a afro american in his late 40s,he his build is muscular and he stands at 6 feet 8 inches(2m). He can be usually seen to be wearing either a white shirt with jeans or a black hoddie when things get messy.His natural Aura of Ka combined with his unflinching nature makes for a strong impression of a bodyguard of many years.

Obvious Details:

Dispite his humble background Lyman has developed a aura of authority and confidence around him.While usually casual and humble when he does speaks up everyone listens.

He is part of the Ashikagu-Corp office located in Starke and open to tell people about it.However he is strangely quiet about what his actual work there is.

Less Obvious Details:

Wears a set of rings and a amulet with a small,almost toothpick sized brocade on his person everywhere he goes.

What Members of the Starke Council know:

Mr.Knight has been part of the Amenti for several months now and thus a true immortal with potent magic and other supernatural abilities.His friendship to the local changelings is no secret additonally he is a close ally of Alkaline Meadows.

pc/lyman_knight_em_aperal.1602955586.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/Oct/17 17:26 by