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Lucy "Lulu" St. Pierre


Changeling Name: Lucy “Lulu” St. Pierre - - Mortal Name: Lucy “Lulu” St. Pierre
Character Type: Changeling - - Legacies: Peacock/Troubadour
Player Name: Warpwny - - Seeming: Wilder
Court: Unseelie - - Kith: Satyr
House: None - - Motley: None


Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 Charisma (Attention Getting) 4 Perception 2
Dexterity 3 Manipulation (Seductive) 4 Intelligence 2
Stamina 4 (Tireless) Appearance (Captivating) 4 Wits 2


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 1 Animal Ken 0 Academics 1
Athletics 2 Crafts 0 Computers 1
Kenning 1 Drive 1 Gremayne 1
Brawl 1 Etiquette 1 Finance 1
Empathy 3 Firearms 0 Investigation 0
Expression 2 Melee 3 Law 0
Intimidation 1 Performance (Guitar) 4 Medicine 0
Leadership 0 Stealth 0 Occult 0
Streetwise 1 Survival 0 Politics 0
Subterfuge 3 Technology 0 Science 0
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Intuition 0 Divination 0 Thanatology 0
Meditation 0 Enigmas 1

Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 1
Undead 0
Spirits 0
Shapeshifter 0
Reborn 0
The Hunt 0

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


Resources 1
Dreamers 1
- Lead singer in her band
Contact 1 (Street Musicians)
Contact 1 (Music Manager)
Treasure 1
- Guitar Axe (Normal Axe): Diff 7, Damage: Str + 3L


Flirt - 2pts
Seldom Sleeps - 2pts


Lustful - 2pts
Chronically late - 1pt


Willpower: 5 / 5
Glamour: 5 / 5
Banality: 3 / 3
Nightmare: 0 / 0
Antithesis: Long term oaths/signing contracts
Ravaging/Musing Threshold: Inspire Creativity/Destroy Love


Gift of Pan — When a satyr thoroughly indulges herself in one of her passions — often sexual, but also artistic and creative — those around her are also caught up in the frenzy. Fae and mortal alike join her in her dancing and debauchery. The Gift of Pan doesn’t force anyone to partake in sex or any other activity, but removes inhibitions that might normally keep someone from indulging. Rather than creating a new passion, the Gift of Pan removes the barriers of social convention that might otherwise prevent someone from being able to completely surrender to an action of passion or revelry. Those failing a Banality or Willpower roll (difficulty 8) find themselves helpless to resist indulging their secret desires.

Physical Prowess — Satyrs add one dot to their Stamina, even if this raises it above 5. Satyrs can use their powerful goat legs to move with great speed and agility, and thus can never botch an Athletics roll.

Earth Blend — Canotili have an inborn ability to blend in with natural surroundings. While remaining completely still, and in a natural environment, canotili can change their color (including what they are wearing or carrying) to blend in with the background. This ability does not work when the canotili is indoors or surrounded by manmade structures. When using this Birthright, they gain an automatic success on any Stealth roll.


Summer 3


Actor 3, Scene 2, Nature 1


Physical Description:
Human: Lucy is an average height woman with light skinned, long bright red hair, and green eyes. She sports an athletic build with a spiral tribal style tattoo on her right arm and a fake scar tattoo over her right eye. She dresses in a manner of someone in a rock band with dark shirts, torn jeans or skirts with fishnet leggings and usually a pair of steel toe boots.

Fae: Lucy in her satyr seeming has off white skin down to her light brown fur covered in white faun spots on her legs, her hair is bright red and equally as long while being tied in a big thick pony tail between her huge, wide horns. Her eyes are bright white and seem to glow when she gets excited.

Very friendly, almost too friendly for some. She loves being the center of attention and doesn't care when she stands out for the wrong reasons. She dislikes most forms of authority and has a big attitude when dealing with someone who tries to lord any authority over her but is otherwise pretty nonchalant and laid back.

Born in the suburbs of Chicago to a pair of loving but painfully boring parents, Lucy has been an awakened changeling for most of her life. She “woke up” around 8 years old and became a terror in school and at home. Her parents tried to find her a hobby or anything to get her to focus in school, only succeeding when they introduced her to music.

She took to music like a bear on cocaine takes to fish, completely unfocused with no sense of direction but fanatical passion. She tried every instrument she could but it wasn't until she was taken into a changeling owned music store that she found the instrument of her calling, Rock music with the guitar! She was consumed with playing, and her parents managed to control her enough to at least get a high school diploma and at least a year of college which she focused on music. This wasn't to last, she joined a band and they roamed the state, she took a liking to the lead singer of the band and focused her efforts on inspiring her to write some amazing songs for that sweet delicious Glamour. The band has been moving states before settling on Florida because FUCK YEAH! FLORIDA! Beach babes! Beach bros! Great weather! DISNEY WORLD!

Her life in the changeling world has been equally wild as her “mortal” one. Her status with the courts in Chicago has been tense at best, aloof at worst. She's snubbed many sihde and dodged every call to join the courts proper. Those who let her be herself have found her to be an amazing entertainer and solid friend if unreliable on scheduling because the one other hobby she picked up is the worst fate a person could receive. She plays League of Legends and often lets the que monster steal her time.

As she comes to Florida for a lot of very valid reasons, she also chases one thing. The only thing she remembers from the flashes of memories of her previous lives was a single moment. A single moment with the absolute most intense feeling of true love she's ever felt. It is a high she's chased ever since leaving many brief but passionate relationships behind her. Maybe it's in Florida, maybe not. Something guided her towards Florida over California, she doesn't even know it happened.

Equipment: Used four door car, custom windowless panel van, apartment, custom electric guitar that is also a Chimerical axe, steel toe boots, top end laptop, huge collection of music, League of Legends cosplay outfits, dice set.

Band members: Trixie, Tiffany, John and Richard

pc/lucy_st._pierre_sheet.1628723471.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Aug/11 23:11 by warpwny