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Lillian Tyler


5'5, fair skinned, slender, blue eyes, black hair. Wears a vintage but modest style of dress.


Deeply religious, a pacifist, kind, and humble. Lillian prefers to help others and worry about them over herself. She's passionate about music, and has a talent for it, but it is second to her faith. Lillian sees her existence as a test a faith to prove her devotion, and she values maintaining her humanity to be very high. She's very hard to offend, but dislikes hurting or upsetting anyone. She believes that all vampires could find salvation if they seek it, but she's never pushy about her faith and will never get into a religious argument.

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Banality Score:

pc/lillian_tyler.1617041874.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Mar/29 18:17 by feathers