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Wonder Realm

General Description and location: A little “paradox-negative” bubble hidden at the border between the High Umbra and the middle Umbra, Joy’s Horizon Realm is a colorful place mixing modern structures and peaceful landscapes. Always a work in progress, it changes with its creator’s mood and whim. Its weather also reflects Joy’s mood. If there’s a storm… Better come back another day. This horizon real is also inhabited by a special kind of Earthbound: the former Fallen Naberius now Mikael Naberius Radcliffe-Livingstone. While Joy is ultimately the Master of the place, Mikael is its Keeper and he will protect it fiercely. Just like the Earth, the Horizon realm has a sky, a ground and an underground. The underground of the Horizon realm is Joy’s version of the Chantry’s Wonderlab. It’s full of machinery (from high-tech equipment to almost antique ones). Pipes filled with a very bright liquid run along the ceiling radiating with Prime energy. The whole system constantly retrieves Torment from the Horizon Realm’s atmosphere and then converts Torment into Paradox and Paradox into Quintessence and Quintessence into Faith. The produced Faith is directly infused into the Ground and fed to the Earthbound.

How to access: Secret temples or mythical locations can only be accessed using clues and solving riddles or by fulfilling challenges. Same goes for Joy’s Horizon realm, except that… since she’s a Virtual Adept, the riddle resets very regularly and also whenever it’s solved. Therefore, someone who managed to go there once cannot help others go there later or go again themselves using the same riddle. The Challenges or riddles are given to you by the Sphinx (see below).

The ‘Sphinx’: In her horizon realm and in her horizon realm only, Joy’s Avatar Solomon can manifest under one of his forms of choice: the humanoid with the purple cat head wearing a white tuxedo and top hat, or a full purple kitty. Solomon is the one who will give the visitors the riddles and decide whether or not they can get in.

The ‘Guide’: After the visitors manage to enter, a little owl will guide them to Joy: 1°) By finding their way through a maze of illusions 2°) By avoiding the ‘traps’ that were set by the other resident of the place, the Earthbound Mikael. The maze of illusions is always present and protect Joy’s Sanctuary (Sanctum). Michael traps are usually harmless and aimed at taking prisoners, unless you try to harm the Horizon Real itself and then… you’ll realize the Realm knows how to fight back! Needless to say, whoever is not accompanied by the little guide or Joy herself probably won’t make it very far.

The ‘Hosts’: When you manage through the maze or if Joy gave you a special invitation, you meet Joy and Michael, in their Homonculus forms at their Sanctuary (Sanctum). These forms are created by Joy based on their exact appearance on the day of their wedding. Like a moment frozen in time. A Wonder 3D Printer in the underground of the Horizon Realm can make an infinite number of copies of these bodies. Of course, the mind (4) and spirit (4) of the host still has to be transferred in it by effect of a spell performed by Joy or by another Wonder named “Instant Reboot”.

General rules and consequences for your character:

  • ALL vulgar Magick is coincidental in Joy’s realm and all coincidental Magick is vulgar (so the mechanics are reversed in terms of difficulty).
  • Gaining paradox: You gain Paradox by casting a vulgar spell or botching a roll or frenzying or using Rage or gaining Torment. This always has the same effect: You start forgetting this is not your real world, which is fine. Under 5 paradox, there is no real consequence, you’ll feel yourself a little bit blue upon getting home (for as many days as paradox earned) but it will leave no trace. Over 5, the ST rolls paradox backlash and the minor flaw will be deeper: food doesn’t taste right anymore, you think the sun is dull…
  • All artists get a +1 Dexterity/Charisma/Wits/Perception/Intelligence per dot of Art/Craft/Performance.
  • Frenzy or Rage or Torment generates instant “Paradox” (see above), even if you’re not Mage.
  • Appearance/Strength : Upon entering the Wonder Realm you revert to your ‘true’ and most powerful appearance (Avatar, Fae Mien, Crinos, Apocalyptic form…). You may roll Willpower diff 8 to negate this effect and choose your appearance.
pc/joyce_joy_livingstone_wonder_realm.1605387879.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/Nov/14 21:04 by lastoriadi