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Javier Gutiérrez: Xochipilli Thief-Of-Pride

Player: professorpanic


Javier is tall and lanky, with a pronounced adam's apple and slightly crooked nose. He's of clear latin american descent, with dark hair and bright green eyes and an easy-achieved smile.


He's bouncy in his step, with a reply for any given moment and a gait that screams just how much he wishes to be doing something fun and dangerous. Javier is friendly but cagey when it comes to anything truly personal, but can't resist a good banter either way.

Obvious Details: Large merit, manifested as being extremely tall and lanky.

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

pc/javier_gutierrez.1605198788.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/Nov/12 16:33 by professorpanic