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XP Log

Player: Val


Merits: Metamorph (7pts)

Flaws:Strict Canrivore (1pt)
Compulsion (1pt) [Check her equipment 3 times before combat]
Forced Transformation (2pt) [when an ally falls unconsious]
Deranged (3pt) Multiple personalities [When scared she shifts to a violent personality]

{+Obvious Details:+}
Short green hair Tips of Hair are White, Frost colored eyes, White Eyelashes olive skin, two linear scars from the bottom center of each eye down to her cheeks, and a number of small scratches and pockmarks across her body. On her left bicep is a tattoo of Cerberus with a disk on the chest between the three heads with the mark of the black furies. on the right bicep is a military patch pattern with a medieval-style skeleton with two shotguns in the center. “13th Bad Company” at the top and “Heavy” at the bottom. she is well muscled standing 5'9“. Though she no longer needs them she has a tendency to wear circle framed glasses with a gold rim and wireless earbud headphones around her neck.

{+Character Bio:+}
Isadora, often called Izzy, was a kinfolk who grew up in a northern-based sept to a family of a Garou mother (athro ahroun by the deed name “bears the bite”), a kinfolk father, 3 sisters (1 garou{cliath ahroun “Fights blind”}/2 kinfolk) when she decided to join the military.

After serving for 2 years in “bad company” she had been promoted and demoted to where she held the rank of Specialist. Favoring heavy weapons such as LMG's, High Explosives, and many Mounted guns earned her the nickname “heavy” in her squad. One day her squad was sent to infiltrate an enemy outpost to get intel and, after having been given bad intel on purpose, they were nearly wiped out by Pentex. The loss of her friends sent her into her first change and with The loss of her friends sent her into her first change and with a blinding fury slaughtered the remaining enemies and fled into the desert.

After passing out she was found by a group of Silent Striders and taken to a sept where she started her training in the middle east under an adren philadox glasswalker by the name of “feels the current” for 2 months before she moved to the main black fury sept in Greece and trained under an adren philadox by the name of “Hera's Wrath”. When she completed her rite of passage 2 and a half years after her first change and earned the deed name “Forged in Blood” she was allowed to leave with papers saying shed been in a coma for the time lost to give to the army. after arriving back at the base she was questioned heavily and said that they had been ambushed. after she was sent stateside she was held at a reserve center in Georgia. When she was officially honorably-discharged she headed to the closest sept she could find. The Sept of Strange Waters called and she answered.

{+Less Than Obvious Details:+}
When in “wolf” personality, will speak in WS while in Crinos.

{+Banality Score:+} 6

pc/izzy.1604092248.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/Oct/30 21:10 by earthdawn66