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Irina Beaulieu-CartWright

! ! !
'Nature:' Caregiver - - 'Demeanor:' Caregiver
'Breed:' Homid - - 'Concept:' Herbalist
'Player Name:' FlowerCrystals - - 'Tribe:' Silver Fangs
'Auspice:' Kinfolk 'Pack' _

Irina Beaulieu was born in Versailles, France. A small city to the North-West of Paris. Her father was a Garou named Fredrick -Falcon’s Unfailing Might- Beaulieu, Athro, and her mother, a kinfolk, was name named Lillianna Marchand. Her parents were brought together during a small war that ripped through the area 7 years before her birth which called forth the members of Unbreakable Hearth to the forefront. Along with some help from their American counter-parts, House Wyrmfoe. Her parents were from two different houses. She was the third of four children. Her oldest sibling was her sister Julia -Swift Verdict- Marchard, Philodox of Unbreathable Hearth. Her older brother was Kingdon Marchard was a kinfolk. Her younger brother was Christoff -Bleeding Revenge- Marchard, Ahourn of Unbreathable Hearth.

Kingdon and her were always together when they were running through the fields of France. Both were born with a gift of herbs and the abilities to use their properties in ways that affected those around them. Mostly the other kinfolk while the Garou were away. Rini was a healer. Kind. Beautiful and caring. With a soft heart and a keen mind. Educated. IVY League.

About one year before arriving in New Orleans there was an accident. While her father was away, as he tended to be many times throughout the years, her brother Kingdon grew colder. Corrupted. Manipulated. He wanted the right to claim his heritage of being a Garou so he fell into the worse thrall one could image and he collected the palts. The forbidden. A shame on her family. He killed their mother and went after her. Luckily her siblings pack was in residence before any of this could affect her too much as their home went up in flames.

“Leave this place” said Christoff as he handed her small amount of cash. The eyes of her youngest brother breaking her heart. “Go. Now. Julia thought ahead and contacted some friends in New Orleans that will help you” grabbing her and holding her tightly. Her hands clenched at his shirt. “Christoff. I do not want to go alone. I’ve never been without you all” her face buried into his shirt. “Rini. You need to safe. When this is over. When we hunt and kill Kingdon I promise we will come back for you” pressing his lips to her forehead. Julia pulled the car around front and got out. She looked down at her baby sister. Tears brimming her eyes. “I contacted the Sept Elders where you are going. They will make sure you are safe, but no credit cards. No bank account. Everything is done in cash. You will be given a lump sum at the beginning of every month. Mikael, who is driving you to the airport, is a GlassWalker that will make sure no one knows you left France” her voice hurried. “We will clean up this mess with the pack and explain to father what we have done” replied Julia. “What about mother…?” she asked her sister desperately and she saw the pain her sisters eyes. “She’s dead, Rini. I’m sorry. Mourn quietly but you need to go. Now” all but shoving her sister into the car and giving a command for Mikael to go.

Irina watched her home burn as she was driven away. Her hand touching the glass as she tried to press it against the glass to reach for her brother and sister, but they disappeared with their pack into the flames to finish their fight while Mikael drove her to safety. In the backseat she noticed a suitcase. Unlocking it through the tears her siblings had packed her things for her herbs and medicines and brews. She touched some already made balms and ointments as she noticed the two sets of clothing. She was alone with barely any money, the clothing on her back, an enemy at the door and her family gone. When she got to New Orleans she checked in with the Sept Elder Silver Fang. Wondering how her fate would go.

Turn our they were kind to her because she met her husband and they were married. Together they had a little girl garou Ragabash. She has a kinfetch around her already.

But fate would turn it's ugly head in her direction again. Somewhere in NOLA there were two hives. A terrible battle errupted from the Sept and the surrounding people. Rini was injured and has a scar across saving her daughter from a stray spiral that came into her home. Her strength left her and she would have to go to physical therapy to repair it. Immediately following her sister called to inform her they were moving her, and her family, to Florida. Their father had been located and he was on his way from Asia. With Parker's input they made it so he opened a Dojang studio where he could teach and Rini could sell her herbs in the shop next door. They were even set up with a small home. This was two weeks ago…

PURE BREED JUSTIFICATION: Astrid Christiansen. Bane Slayer. Ahroun. Athro. Lost an eye to a bane while defending their caren. Arn Poulsen. Fire Walker. Philodox. Adren. Restored order to 3 set of rivaling Septs. Natalya Virnocoff. Sea’s Conquoring Revenge. Raggie. Athro. Died glorious in battle defending a Sept against a bane attack. Moller Nielsen. FireDrakes Wrath. Ahourn. Elder. Elimated BSD pack single handedly. Mikael Datrosnof. Ahroun. Adren. Killed 2 BSD packs. Jacqueline Beamount. Falcon's All Seeing Eye. Philodox. Adren. Mediated a dispute between two rivaling tribes to bring peace. Kristina Savage. Falcons Swift Vengence. Ahourn. Athro. Eliminated a Wyrm Camp. James Jaques Mystic. Ahourn. Elders. Eliminated a Wyrm Camp. Jameson Dragomis. Walks with Mists. Ragabash. Athro. Survived be lost an Umbral Realm for a month.

Rini is Pregnant! Pregnancy condensed to 15 weeks IRL - 2.4 weeks progressed per IRL week.
Start Date: Oct 19
Oct 19: Conception
Oct 26: 2.4
Nov 02: 4.8
Nov 09: 7.2
Nov 16: 9.6
Nov 23: 12

Nov 30: 14.4
Dec 02: 16.8
Dec 09: 19.2

Dec 16: 21.6
Dec 23: 24

Dec 30: 26.4
Jan 04: 28.8
Jan 11: 31.2
Jan 18: 33.6
Jan 25: 36

pc/irina_beaulieu-cartwright_sheet.1609326493.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/Dec/30 11:08 by earthdawn66