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Elyse Dawson

Player: Feathers


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130lbs
Hair: Reddish Brown
Eyes: Gray and steely
Figure: Slim body
Skin: Extremely fair, to the point of pale, but not in a sickly way.
Apparent Age: 20 years old


Confident young woman who knows what she wants and how to get it. If she doesn't know how to get it, she knows who to ask about getting it for her. She has a curious nature and learns very quickly. Can be slightly aggressive/intimidating to get her way. She's smart and she knows it. She doesn't let many get away with disrespecting her. Despite all that, she also has a kinder side though that doesn't come out very often.

Obvious Details

She's always dressed professionally. You are very unlikely to spot her in casual clothing. Her fashion sense is usually on the duller side as she thinks bright colors distract from efficiency. She also has a serious look majority of the time and may appear unfriendly and/or bossy.

  • Appearance: 2
  • Eerie Presence Flaw ~ Elyse now has a strange presence around her. It might very well raise the hairs on the back of your neck or give you goosebumps.

Less Than Obvious Details

  • Diablerist ~ Elyse has the black veins in her aura.


  • Coldly Logical ~ Elyse can sometimes seem very blunt and straight-to-the-point because she believes that showing emotion can often disrupt the conversation. She is extremely business-like and treats most conversations as a business meeting.
  • Lightning Calculator ~ She seems able to calculate and deal with numbers very quickly.
  • Elysium Regular ~ Elyse spends a lot of time exploring the halls of Vampire Headquarters. She pretty much has gotten to know every Kindred who shows up, and they her.
  • Acute Sense: Hearing ~ Due to her connection to Camazotz, she has gained the ability to sharpen her hearing and note every little sound around her… just like a bat.

Banality Score: 6


Giovanni Deligari

Ethnicity Italian
Gender Male
Apparent Age 45
Height 6'2“
Weight 175 lbs
pc/elyse_dawson.1614973817.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Mar/05 19:50 by feathers