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[++Experience Tracking++]
Diana Walking Book

XP Entry Form


XP Purchase Form


Experience Tracking

(NOTE: If the total doesn't seem to be adding up correctly, try refreshing the page. Unfortunately, with how webpages load from top to bottom, the slightest of lag can cause the calculator to stop adding up values before half the page is fully loaded. This is a glitch that can't be fixed as of right now. If the totals STILL don't match up after several refreshes, let Feathers know in Discord Channel: XP Log Support.)

Total Current Monthly Cap 1)

XP Gain Log:

Date XP XP Type Scene Notes
2021-04-10 4 XP Scene XP N/A moot scene
2021-04-10 4 XP Catch Up XP N/A
2021-04-10 5 XP Weekly XP N/A updating weekly XP, pt 1
2021-04-10 1 XP Weekly XP N/A updating weekly XP, pt 1
2021-04-19 4 XP Scene XP N/A
2021-04-13 1 XP Scene XP N/A
2021-04-11 2 XP Scene XP N/A
2021-04-13 2 XP Scene XP N/A
2021-04-03 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-04-10 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-04-17 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-04-26 5 XP Scene XP N/A
2021-05-08 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-05-15 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-04-22 1 XP Scene XP "Hunting Together"
2021-05-17 4 XP Scene XP "Trapssss and Sssssetbackssss"
2021-05-21 3 XP Scene XP “consequences”
2021-06-05 2 XP Scene XP “drive for perfection”
2021-05-22 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-05-29 2 XP Scene XP N/A
2021-06-05 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-06-07 3 XP Scene XP “search for Tindolas”
2021-06-18 1 XP Scene XP "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word"
2021-06-27 5 XP Scene XP "A hell of a party"
2021-06-29 5 XP Scene XP "The Battle of Madison"
2021-06-12 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-06-19 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-06-26 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-07-04 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-07-11 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-07-18 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-07-25 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-07-26 3 XP Scene XP June Moot
2021-08-01 2 XP Weekly XP N/A
2021-08-08 2 XP Scene XP N/A
2021-08-15 2 XP Scene XP N/A

XP Purchase Log:

Monthly Discount Cap: 2)0/15
Approval Date Completion Date XP Purchased Discount? Notes
2021-06-05 2021-06-06 11 XP Get of Fenris lore 3, Garou lore 3, GW lore 1 -0 XP
2021-06-13 2021-06-14 15 XP Gifts: Sigurd´s Stride, Berserker´s song, Wearing the bear shirt -0 XP
2021-06-30 2021-07-06 13 XP Brawl 4, Weaver Lore 1, Enigmas 3 -0 XP

Current XP Requests:

(NOTE: Left the old stuff below for you to tally up and make sure it's working right. If you intend to convert old stuff to the new tables, and find that the math is not correct, let me know. Once you're satisfied that it's working correctly and feel that you no longer need the old stuff, you can remove them or ask Feathers to help if you don't dare.)

'{+Total XP:+}'301

'{+Current XP:+}' 113

'{+This month XP Gained:+}' 08/30

'{+XP Gain Log:+}'

May 18: 10 XP - Floor
May 22: 2(x2) xp - st scene
May 24: 2(x2) xp - st scene
May 25: 3(x2) xp - st scene
May 28: 2(x2) xp - st scene
June 1: 2(x2) xp - st scene
June 5: 3(x2) xp - st scene
June 5: 2(x2) xp - st scene
June 11: 2(x2) xp - st scene
June 11: 3(x2) xp - st scene
June 13: 1 xp
June 19: 2(x2) xp - st scene
June 20: 2(x2) xp - st scene
June 21: 3 xp (xp limit per month) - st scene
July 8: 4(x2) xp- st scene
July 13: 3 (x2) xp- st scene
July 17: 2(x2) xp - st scene
July 31: 3 (x2) xp- st scene
August 12: 2 (x2) xp- st scene
August 28: 3 (x2) xp- st scene
Septtember 5: 3 (x2) xp- st scene
Septtember 5: 2 (x2) xp- st scene
October 5: 3 (x2) xp- st scene
October 10: 2 (x2) xp- st scene
October 12: 3 (x2) xp- st scene
October 15: 2 (x2) xp- st scene
October 15: 5 (x2) xp- st scene
October 25: 5 (x2) xp- st scene
October 29: 3 (x2) xp- st scene
November 7: 5 (x2) xp-all around st bonus
November 11: 4 (x2) xp-all around st bonus
February 03: 3 (x2) xp-party scene
February 23: 2 (x2) xp-st scene
February 25: 10 (x2) xp-st scene
February 27: 3 (x2) xp- st scene
(annulled, beyond monthly limit)
February 28: 2 (x2) xp-party scene
(annulled, beyond monthly limit)
March 5: 2 (x2) xp- st scene
March 6: 3 (x2) xp- st scene

Weekly xp: x92

'{+Current XP requests:+}'

'{+XP Purchase Log:+}'
rituals+1 (-3 xp)
lore (vampire) +1) (-3 xp)
lore (gallain) +1) (-3 xp)
Razor Claws gift (-3 xp)
Empathy +1 (-3 xp)
Totem +16 (-32 xp)
Scent of the True Form gift (-5 xp)
Perception +1 (-8xp)
Create Elements gift (-3 xp)
Melee +1 (-3 xp)
Computer +1 (-2 xp)
Primal Urge 3 (-4 xp)
Shifter Lore: 1 3 xp
Reborn Lore: 1 3 xp
Umbral Lore: 1 3 xp
Demonology: 1 3 xp
strenght 4: 12 xp
stamina 4: 12 xp
Gnosis 4: 6 xp
Gnosis 5: 8 xp
Etiquette 1: 2 xp
Skills: Rites 2
Gift: Shed xp:3
Gift: Rat Head xp:3
Gift: Spirit speech xp:5
Gift: Fangs of the north xp:6
Gift: Form mastery xp:6
Gift: Spirit of the fray xp:6
Gift: Snarl of the predator xp:6
Gift: Halt the cowards flight xp:6
Gift: Sense Silver xp:6
Gift: True Fear xp:6
Gift: troll skin xp: 6
Lore (shifter) 2: 2 xp
Lore (umbra) 2: 2 xp
Get of Fenris Lore 2: 2 xp
Garou Lore 2: 2xp

1) , 2)
You will need to manually keep track of this.
pc/diana_walking_book_xp_log.1632350129.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Sep/22 22:35 by mozky