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Desphobos (Desmond)

Player: Jp


Fae- form, 5'10, 150, pale skin with what look like dark shadows that move, lacks teeth and has black lips and tired black eyes that look like an endless void of darkness, and move in an unsettling manner, as if they have cartilage rather than bone. His arms seems unnaturally long.

Human- 5'10, pale, tired eyes, dark black hair. Black, edgy, emo looking clothing.


Quiet (not really by choice because of fraility) he doesn't mind interacting with people as much, though there is a limit, and is more of a listener, the stories people say and tell can reveal secrets, and fears. He has deep passion for horror animation or dark animation, like scp, and the music he learned only to try to enhance it. He is mostly calm, but has a edgy and sometimes chaotic touch to him.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:\\7 Crossroads Membership: None

pc/desphobos.1715724925.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/May/14 22:15 by jpizzo22