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Cedric Stuart

Player: Brian/Badmagee


Cedric Stuart - faceclaim is Ian Richardson. He is 71, we walks with a cane for both style and necessity. He is still fairly hearty for his age but he is certainly no longer in the prime of his life. He has a bit of a wheese to his speaking voice. White hair, very well dressed, appears to have clothing far above his resources.


Cedric is a professional at reading a room. He has been a diplomat in some shape or form both mundanely and in the world of the garou. He often sees things from both sides of the table and will not always take the path that everyone believes he will.

Obvious Details: Cedric is no young pup (71 years old) Walks with a Limp Serious English Accent Takes Zero Shit

Less Than Obvious Details: Harder of Hearing in Left Ear Hates Baked Goods

Banality Score:

pc/cedric_stuart.1620001054.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/May/03 00:17 by henri