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Bishop Fairburn


A young-looking man, given he's approaching his thirties. Perhaps it's his attire, usually somewhat random in its choices or simply eccentric, or his brightly tinctured hair, kept long and dyed a purple hue. He makes the dye himself, and likes that colour enough to repeat the process habitually, thinking it somewhat of a childish lucky charm. He's tall and lanky, but his body seems to be healthy enough to take a beating. He's good-looking and sharp, but there's a certain something in his eyes, an unsightly focus in how they fixate on things, that often makes his presence instinctively unpleasant.


He's not exactly the best conversationalist, but some seem to appreciate the few moment of talkativeness he shows here and there. A reserved person who strongly believes in the ephemerality of everything, he prefers not to get too attached to anything or anyone, and this disinterest in things isn't something he hides, making himself very unpleasant to people who don't wish to deal with such a downer of a person.

He's not particularly saddened by the idea of things disappearing, but he prefers to works on what has a stabler, longer duration. Alchemy, focused on creating perfect, eternal things, was something incredibly appropriate for his desires.

He dislikes being loud, and is often soft-spoken, except in the few moments in which his patience really wanes or in his very occasional withdrawals. Although reserved, he's anything but passive, and in a moment of danger, his fight and flight reactions prove themselves to be fairly quick.

His hobbies, excluding his job and what surrounds it, are mostly physical exercise, an RPG video game or a mystery novel here and there, and the occasional trip at… well, whatever place gives you something to drink. Of course, just to watch the people there. If he wanted to get smashed he could just make liquor with alchemy, right?

Obvious Details:

The hair is dyed, his glasses have coloured lenses, he doesn't look like he has the most interested stare or tone regarding… anything.

Less Than Obvious Details:

A tattoo of the alchemical symbol of Phosphorus on his chest, one particularly careful to details could notice, behind the coloured lenses that do a good job on covering them, some particularly heavy bags under the eyes.

Banality Score: 6

pc/bishop_fairburn.1624614205.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Jun/25 09:43 by earthdawn66